Chapter 61

After dinner everyone except Trish who was busy with the dishes and waiting for the dessert to cook, were all sitting around the dinning room table chatting about work, and a variety of topics.

Matt was sitting next to Angela, she was snuggled against him smiling as she listened to Molly who was talking about a past match she had with Terri.

Angela raised her head and giggled, "Molly you know how funny you are?" Angela asked sipping her wine.

Molly smiled and glanced over next to her at Shane who spoke, "Yup she takes after me." Shane said smiling as he balanced a spoon on his nose making everyone laugh.

Matt sighed hearing Trish yell from the kitchen that dessert will be served in a few minutes. Jay yelled in to her that they were in no hurry and then he got up to pour himself more wine. "Jay your running Trish ragged. This is supposed to be a vacation and she’s done nothing but cook and clean since we got here today! Is this what she’s done the whole time?" Matt asked chuckling.

Jay laughed, "I didn’t tell her to do anything, she does it because she wants to and likes to, she into that whole "house wife" kinda thing, she likes to do the cooking, cleaning up and all that house kinda stuff, it makes her happy I guess, I told her we were all capable of doing that stuff for ourselves but she insists, so I let her do what she wants to do..." Jay said smiling as he sat back down and glanced around at everyone.

"I think its sweet of her to serve all of us on her vacation, if it makes her happy, but I don’t mind helping if she should need it." Angela said softly clearing her throat as she sat up a little and snuggled against Matt

"Same here." Lita agreed from across the table. Matt smiled at her and sighed hugging Angela a bit.

"Thanks ladies, I’m gonna go see if she needs any help." Jay said setting his glass down and disappearing from the dinning room.

Matt sighed. He wanted to talk to Lita alone, he had to desperately ask her a huge favor. He sighed as he glanced at Lita who was rubbing Jeff’s hand and talking quietly to him. Matt figured he should wait a little longer so he glanced down at Angela, who had her eye’s closed snuggling against him. She was warm for a change and her hands weren’t cold. She felt good to him and he was pleased that she didn’t seem to want to be away from him, because he knew he didn’t want to be away from her longer then he had to.


After dessert Angela forced herself from Matt’s side and went to help Trish finish the dishes. Adam and Torrie and Chris and Ruby & Molly and Shane had decided to go into the living room once again and hangout. Jeff and Lita and Matt and Jay sat around the dinning room table sitting silently relaxing and enjoying the half silence that they rarely experienced. Matt looked up sipping the last of his wine and sighed as he meet Lita’s eye’s as she looked up.

"You got a minute?" Matt asked staring at her as Jeff and Jay looked up curiously.

Lita stared at Matt and grinned rising to her feet. She smiled as she leaned over and kissed Jeff’s cheek and started from the room. Matt looked from Jay to Jeff, "We’ll be back in a minute or two." Matt said walking around the table and patting Jeff’s shoulder.

"What’s going on?" Jeff asked following Matt with his eye’s curious and confused.

"I’ll tell you guys later, I just need a favor from Lita." Matt said glancing back at them sitting around the table alone.

"Something wrong?" Jeff asked interest showing in his face.

Matt shook his head, "No everything’s fine, I’ll be back in a few minutes." Matt said leaving.

Matt found Lita in the kitchen laughing with Trish and Angela. Matt smiled as he walked into the room and over toward them at the sink. "How’s it goin’ ladies?" Matt asked as Angela meet his eye’s and grinned. Her sleeve’s were rolled up and her hands had disappeared into the soapy water filled in the sink.

Trish smiled drying her hands as she opened the dish washer and began filling it with the dishes that were to tedious to do by hand. "Everything’s fine in here." Trish said smiling.

Matt sighed as he came up behind Angela who was concentrating again on the dishes in the sink. Matt glanced at Lita as he slid his arms around Angela’s stomach and hugged her gently. Angela giggled as she turned a little meeting Matt’s eye’s not surprised by what he had done.

"You look beautiful." Matt whispered softly close to her ear, kissing her cheek softly. Matt watched Angela smile, and close her eye’s.

"Matt." Angela whispered sighing.

Matt chuckled letting her go and glancing at Lita who was leaning against the doorway waiting bored.

Matt glanced back at Trish who was watching intrigued, and then at Angela who smiled at him making his heart melt. He grinned as he turned and followed Lita down the hallway into the living room and over to the big windows over looking the deck and the falling snow and the mountains beyond.

Lita leaned against the metal railing next to Matt staring out the window at the snow. She yawmed after a few moments and turned to Matt. "So what did you wanna talk about?" Lita asked sighing as Matt rubbed his forehead as he looked back at her.

Matt sighed. "I need a favor." Matt whispered softly as he heard Shane laughing about something across the room where the group was gathered watching Adam and Torrie playing a video game.

Lita raised her eyebrows curiously. "A favor huh." She said softly running her fingures throught her hair pausing, "What kinda favor?" Lita asked staring at Matt.

Matt took a breath and sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet black box holding it out towards Lita whose eye’s instantly grew at the sight of it. "I actually need an opinion and a favor. But your opinion first." Matt said softly opening the box slowly as Lita took the box and stared down at the contents inside. Her mouth dropped open as she stared at the beautiful sparkling object inside....

Chapter 62
Chapter 60