Chapter 62

Lita stared down at the sparkling object inside the velvet box and took a deep breath. Inside was a silver chain with a small silver angel holding a golden cross. In the center of the cross was a rose, with a three small silver diamonds for the petals. It was beautiful! Lita picked it up touching it gently turning it over to find an engraved inscription:

Dear Angela,

Merry Christmas 2001!

Always, Matt

Lita stared at the necklace a long time, and she could feel Matt inquiring eye’s watching her, waiting for her to do or say something.

Finally Matt couldn’t take her silence, "It’s to much isn’t it, its to much to fast right, she won’t like it any ways.....?!" Matt said nervously as he rubbed his forehead concerned.

"No no no Matt its fine! Its so beautiful, I know for a fact that she will love it. I mean think about it she calls herself Angel, I know you think she is one," Lita said softly giggling as Matt grinned listening intently. "She’s always wearing her cross, and she has her tattoo with the cross and the white rose. I know that their her favorite type of rose. Matt I think its perfect. Its not to much honest.... So is this gonna be your perfect romantic way of officially asking her to go out with you?" Lita asked securing the necklace face up and closing the box handing it back to Matt.

Matt smiled, "Yeah it is, I thought, okay picture it..." Matt said as Lita giggled, "cuddled in front of the fireplace, warm you know hide a mistle toe above her and then wait for the right moment." Matt said softly as Lita smiled.

"I think that she’s really going to like that, and she’ll love the necklace Matt. She needs you... you know Matt, its so obvious and its pathetic the way you two are together!" Lita said laughing.

Matt sighed, "I hope she does." Matt said shrugging.

"So I gave my opinion, now what favor am I supposed to be doing you?" Lita asked as she left the railing side & the window and walked about 2 feet away and fell into a big comfy arm chair resting her head against the back of it and staring at Matt.

Matt sighed as he walked over and knelt down next to the chair. "Could you wrap it for me, really pretty.... in secret, I wanna give it to her tonight for Christmas Eve." Matt said softly as Lita stared at him giggling.

"Matt you are so cute, sure no problem, I’d be happy to!" Lita giggled as Matt smiled handing her the box which she slid it into her pocket.

"Thanks so much Lita!" Matt said standing and hugging her tightly. "Your a real life saver you know that!?" Matt said smiling at her. ***

Later that night, when all of the dishes were done, everyone gathered in the living room around the fireplace while Jay and Adam poured everyone glasses of egg nog. Matt sat on the couch with Angela snuggled beside him as Jay announced a toast.

"All right everybody!" Jay said loudly as he waited for to give him their attention. "Thanks," Jay said as everyone looked up at him.

"I wanna make a toast to this great vacation we are on, and I also wanna wish you each a very Merry Christmas! I’m very glad that you all decided to come and spend this time here together....and, I also wanna to toast to Trish, whom has cooked and cleaned for all of us. And has completely supported me forever now and I wanna thank her very much for putting up with me!" Jay said turning to Trish who looked quite surprised. She smiled at Jay and Adam touched her shoulder affectionately.

"Here, here! I’ll toast to that!" Jeff yelled as Lita giggled..

"I wanna add one more thing!" Jay said reaching for Trish’s hand as everyone stared at the scene.

Matt grinned knowing what was coming. Matt leaned down and whispered softly in Angela’s ear, "He’s going to propose to her and ask her to marry him, I was with him about a month ago when he bought the ring." Matt whispered as Angela looked up at him shocked and both excited. Matt and Angela then turned there attention back to Jay who had fallen to a knee as Trish burst into tears.

Angela’s hand came to cover her mouth and Matt saw a tear fall down her cheek as he pulled her closer to him.

"Trish, you have sacrificed so many things for me... you’ve become my best friend and the only person I see myself belonging to. Trish I ask you to be my wife. I love you... will you do me the honor and marry me.....?" Jay asked softly as Trish knelt and stared at him.

"Think about it Trish!" Chris said as everyone laughed.

Trish stared at Jay and then at the ring which he hand open in his hand. She took a deep breath glancing around and smiled as she looked back at Jay, "Yes... ohh Jay...I can’t believe this, I love you!" Trish said softly as tears ran down her cheeks and she wrapped her arms around Jay as he held her tight and kissed her.

"Aww how sweet is that...." Angela said softly wiping a tear from her cheek as the group cheered watching the happy scene.

After everyone drank from the toast, Matt smiled as he touched Angela’s cheek drawing her attention away from Jay and Trish who were still held in a long kiss. Matt smiled at her sparkling eye’s and her small smile. Matt grinned as he leaned over catching her lips in his and kissing her delicately. Angela had quickly become like air to Matt, he needed her more then he had ever realized, she was with him and he loved it, he needed her more and more every second, he loved her.


The rest of the evening the group spent hanging out in front of the fireplace, admiring the Christmas tree and all the beautifully wrapped presents beneath it, talking, and laughing, and acting stupid. Trish was wrapped in Jays arms snuggled in his lap in a big arm chair, asleep around eleven.

Angela who was snuggled next to Matt got up slowly and sighed, "It’s getting late, I think I’m gonna go get my pajama’s on, I’m sorta tired..." Angela said leaning over Matt as she kissed his cheek gently. "I’ll be back in a few minutes." Angela said softly. She looked around at everyone who were all basically half asleep or involved in a soft conversation with someone else, "In case anyone’s gone when I come back down, Merry Christmas, good night too!" Angela said smiling at everyone.

After everyone wished her good night, Angela left to go upstairs. Matt who had told Jeff and Adam and Jay and Chris & Shane about his idea about the mistle toe thing, sat up and reached over nudging Jeff who was almost asleep next to Lita, "Get up, help me hang the mistle toe....come on!" Matt urged shaking Jeff who groaned as he got up leaving Lita and pulling a chair from the side of the room over and climbed up as Matt came from the closet with the mistle toe he had hid and handed it to Jeff.

"Big help you guys are!" Jeff said looking around at all the other guys just watching them sitting comfortable entertained by the scene. Jeff reached up centering the mistle toe where Matt told him, and he stuck the tack into the wooden rafter high above the floor.

"There!" Matt said smiling as he stood next to Jeff a few moments later staring up at the mistle toe. "It’s visible, but up high enough that when she comes into the room she won’t notice it." Matt said patting Jeff on the shoulder.

Matt sat back down on the couch as Jay woke up Trish. "Were gonna go to bed." Jay said as he helped Trish from his lap and he glanced around at everyone who were now awake. "Night everyone!" Jay said as he and Trish disappeared upstairs.

Over the next several minutes, Matt watched as everyone left for bed, wishing everyone else a good night and a Merry Christmas. Matt was then left with Lita and Jeff. Matt sighed as he got up and went to the closet and took out a pair of pajama’s he had hid earlier that evening and went into the kitchen and changed quickly.

Matt had just sat back down when he looked up to see Angela appear in the doorway. She looked so pretty. Her long hair was loose and it fell around her shoulders. She was wearing a white robe and she had nothing on her feet. Her robe was tied around her waist and Matt noticed white ruffles from whatever was underneath. He took a deep breath staring at her as she walked into the room, the fire casting shadows over her.

"I think were gonna get on up to bed to, it’s getting late." Jeff said softly as he stood with Lita.

Lita came over, and hugged Matt. "I wrapped it for you Matt, its in the silver paper under the tree, right in the middle on the floor, you’ll find it... good luck, I know she’ll love it, your still as sweet as you ever were! I love ya, Merry Christmas, night!" Lita whispered hugging him as she looked up to see him smiling at her.

"Thanks a lot Lita, Merry Christmas, good night." Matt said softly touching her arm affectionately. Lita smiled at him and turned toward Jeff.

Matt looked over at Jeff who was in the middle of a yawn. "Merry Christmas dude." Jeff said smiling at Matt as he came over and gave Matt a quick hug.

Matt smiled at him, "You to Jeff, Night." Matt said softly watching as Lita went to Angela hugging her. Matt and Jeff stood next to each other for a few moment and watched them giggling and talking quietly together. Once Lita stepped back Angela came over and Matt took her hand.

"Night Angela... glad your here with us, Merry Christmas." Jeff said softly smiling at her. Angela smiled taking a breath as she let go of Matt’s hand and leaned over hugging Jeff.

"Thanks, night." Angela said softly as she took Matt’s hand once again and stood next to Matt, with the fire casting shadows across the room as they watched Jeff and Lita smile at them and walk across the room stopping a moment an staring at the beautifully decorated, large Christmas tree with tons of great presents underneath it, and then they disappeared upstairs leaving Matt and Angela alone.... at last.

Chapter 63
Chapter 61