Chapter 66

A little over 45 minutes later, everyone was settled down comfortable back in the living room and Jay and Trish were distributing presents to everyone...

Matt was snuggled with Angela in his arms, there presents were separated into piles.... They were waiting for everyone to start opening there’s so they all could open them at once.

Finally Jay sat down in his big armchair and Trish knelt on the floor next to him, there own presents in piles about them.

Everyone looked to Jay who spoke, “Okay ripe em’open now!” Jay called as everyone laughed and started talking at once as wrapping paper began to fly around and presents were admired and loved.


30 minutes or so later..... Angela was still snuggled against Matt, and she was looking down at sweater Matt had gotten her.

“I like it Matt, I love the colors.” Angela said softly, smiling up at him. “Thank you.” Angela said softly as Matt leaned down and kissed her lips quickly, “Your welcome, I’m happy you do.” Matt said hugging her gently. Angela giggled as they sat together silently and watched around the room as everyone was nearing there last presents and soon everyone would be leaving to get ready to go skiing.

Angela sighed as Lita looked over at her. “Angela thanks for the earrings! They rock!” Lita said as she put them on and Angela smiled at her.

“They look great on you. Your welcome.” Angela said smiling at her.

Matt’s attention was suddenly shifted from Angela to Jay who had opened a big bow from Trish. “Wow Trish honey this is awesome!” Jay exclaimed as Chris, Shane and Jeff, and Adam gathered around the box all talking excitedly and at once.

“What is it?” Matt asked calling over the loud chatter.

Jeff laughed at something someone said and glanced over his shoulder to Matt, “It’s a barbecue grill, come see it, its huge!” Jeff said laughing as he turned around.

Matt glanced at Angela and she grinned, “Go see it.... you know you want to.” Angela said as Matt chuckled and smiled at her giving her a quick kiss and getting up and go to join the guys.

Lita laughed as she came to sit next to Angela who got up and pulled a blanket around herself and sat down on the couch.

“Boys.. I mean men!” Lita said as Angela giggled.

“Your necklace really looks pretty.” Lita said softly smiling at Angela.

Angela glanced down at it and grinned, “Thanks, I love it.” Angela said softly. Then Angela leaned over closer to Lita and whispered, “I didn’t get to thank you for saving me at breakfast earlier, I thought I was going to ruin everything, but you saved me, you can’t possibly know how grateful I am Lita.” Angela said softly as Lita smiled.

“I had to. But your welcome, I just wish and hope that someday soon you tell him the whole truth!” Lita whispered as Angela touched her arm.

“Eventually I will I swear.” Angela said softly smiling at Lita.


It was almost 1pm in the afternoon when everyone was changed and bundled up in layers of clothing and thick winter jackets and snow boots...outside in the falling snow prepared to go skiing.

Angela was standing with Torrie on top of the deck looking down at the guys who were having a snowball fight with each other and the rest of the girls. They both began laughing as Shane shoved a snowball down Jeff’s back and he started screeching like a girl.

Torrie laughed as she patted Angela’s arm and left going down the steps and running to join in.

After several minutes, Chris who was being impatient and who was sick of the snowball fight called out over everyone, “Come on, let’s hit the slopes!”

“Yeah, let’s go!” Shane yelled blasting the snowball in his hand at an oblivious Jeff Hardy. Everyone laughed as Jeff spit snow from his mouth and was running up the hill after Shane, the whole while pelting him with snowballs.

“The ski stuff is in the shed, out back, on come let’s go get ready!” Jay said as he reached for Trish’s gloved hand and started around to the back of the lodge, everyone but Matt following him.

“Hey you coming?” Matt asked as he walked to the edge of the deck still on the ground, and looked up at Angela.

Angela smiled down at him, “Matt I’m not much of a skier.” Angela said as Matt sighed.

“That’s okay, I’ll teach you.” Matt said smiling up at her.

Angela giggled as she shrugged and made her way down the steps towards him. Angela took Matt’s hand as they started walking around the back of the lodge as Jeff and Shane whizzed pat them continuing to pelt snowballs at each other. Angela and Matt laughed as they watched them disappear behind the back corner of the lodge.


It was about 20 minutes later when everyone was ready to go.

Matt and Angela were the only one’s straggling behind, Angela was having a hard time standing so her and Matt were going very slow.

“Hey!” Jay called from the top of the hill, his voice echoing off the surrounding mountains of the deep valley, as he looked back down at the front of the lodge where Angela & Matt had finally made it to.

Matt looked away from Angela and up to the top of the hill, “What?” Matt asked his voice echoing as he yelled to Jay.

“You two comin’ or what?” Jay yelled down to them. Matt looked up and saw that he was standing at the top alone. Everyone else had disappeared over the top of the hill and were probably making there way across the trail to Eagle Mountain already. Eagle had the highest ski slopes in the area and Jay owned all of it, so it was going to be completely deserted, which meant they had the mountains all to themselves.

“We’ll catch up!” Matt called as he waved to Jay.

Jay yelled down okay and disappeared over the top of the hill himself. Matt sighed as he looked back at Angela who looked sorry. “What’s wrong?” Matt asked staring at her concerned from her expression.

Angela sighed, “I’m sorry I’m not very good, you should head up without me, I hate to exclude you from skiing with everyone.” Angela said softly watching Matt, who looked relieved.

“Are you crazy?! I’d much rather stay with you, I’m not excluded from anything.... I still have 7 more days to go skiing, I can go anytime, I’d rather be here with you.” Matt said softly touching her cheek. Matt wasn’t wearing any gloves, and his hands were cold but somehow Angela’s chilly body suddenly felt very warm and she smiled at him as she almost lost her balance again and Matt pulled her back to her feet laughing.

“Come on let’s keep going.” Matt said smiling at her as he let go of her and took her hand.


After making it slowly all the way up the mountain, Angela finally started to get the hang of it and her balance improved, she took a few spills, but everyone does.

About 3 hours later everyone was cold and wet and hanging out in the kitchen as Trish started cooking chicken noodle soup for dinner. Matt was leaning against the counter near the hot stove watching Jeff. Trish and Jay were talking quietly with each other by the sink and everyone else was wrapped in their own towels, and blankets trying to dry off to be warmer, they were all talking about work. Jeff was running around the kitchen singing Jingle Bells.

“I thought that Molly was going to fall right off the steps that time.” Shane said laughing.

“Why what happened?” Angela asked giggling, looking from Molly to Shane for an explanation.

“It was so funny, she had a match with Jackie and she went chasing her into the ring and almost feel trying to run up the stairs after her, it was great!” Torrie said giggling.

Shane was drying his hair with the towel and he laughed looking up at Angela.

Molly laughed, “Yeah it was a real close one, I could have really hurt myself.” Molly said as everyone giggled.

Suddenly Trish announced, “Soups on! I’ll bring it into the dinningroom, everyone go on in and sit down!”

“Good I’m starving!” Chris said smiling at Trish as he followed Ruby and Jay into the dinningroom.

“Same here.” Matt said walking to Angela and taking her hand and leading her towards the dinningroom.


About a week later... The last 7 days of their vacation were great, everyone got along and had a great time. Matt got to spend a whole lot of time with Angela and the more and more they were together the more they learned and liked about each other. They had done a lot of skiing and went hiking up to the top of Eagle Peak together, they had gone horseback riding, and went snowmobiling once. They had a lot of fun, each night after dinner Matt helped Angela with her lines and her script, giving her tips as he promised he would.

On New Years Eve, at 10 minutes to 12 everyone had there glasses of wine ready and after they toasted to there super vacation and a great new year of friendship, everyone gathered around outside the lodge and blew out the candles they had been holding and celebrated bringing in the New Year. 2002’ Matt and Angela spent the first few hours of the new year cuddling close together in front of the fireplace, surrounded by great friends!


It was almost a week after they returned to the states and got back into the wrestling, work routine. Matt had thought that working with Angela would mean that they’d spend a lot of time together... Matt was wrong, he was lucky if he managed to find 30 seconds to be alone with Angela. Vince had Angela so busy running everywhere, doing everything. Matt was busy with meet & greets and photo shoots, and touring, and rehearsing for matches, etc....

Both of their schedules were so crazy that they didn’t even really get to see each other after the shows, like back at the hotel. If one of them did happen to get back to the hotel early enough to find the other there, they were usually on there way out to go to an early photo shot or to travel to do a show or were so exhausted that they just needed sleep.

Matt was getting anxious to go out to the ring one night about a week after they got back from Canada just because he would get to work with Angela in the ring. Even if he couldn’t be himself with her he was happy to just be near her, he missed her.

Matt was watching a match just before his from the TV in his dressing room with Jeff. Matt was pacing back and forth slowly hoping to get a moment to see Angela before or after the match. He just wanted a few moments with her, just to talk to her quickly or to quickly just kiss her or something!

“Matt would you chill please?” Jeff asked watching Matt pacing about, “Your making me nervous!” Jeff said staring at him.

Matt sighed, “I wanna see her Jeff I can’t help it, I’m sorry, I’m anxious.” Matt said softly plopping down onto the couch and rubbing his forehead.

“I know.” Jeff said softly patting Matt’s arm. “So Vince has you two so busy that you hardly see each other huh? I heard from Lita.” Jeff said smiling.

Matt frowned, “Yeah I was complaining to her earlier, Angela’s just so busy because of debuting and stuff and she’s getting lots of publicity from this relationship she’s having with me in the ring and on top of everything else she’s just so busy trying to do a good job that there’s just no time. I’m kinda busy lately too, but I can’t take much more of this, I need just a couple hours alone with her Jeff before I go nuts! Imagine you and Lita not being able to see each other for more then 5 minutes, completely rushed, for over a week and a half, how hard would that be for you? Especially after spending a whole week together!” Matt asked staring at Jeff.

Jeff shook his head, “Your right. I’m not sure I could do it” Jeff said softly as Matt groaned just as someone knocked on the door.

“Come on in.” Matt said sighing as he sat up more and looked up as Lita came in.

“Hey.” Matt said smiling to her as she shut the door and came to sit across Jeff’s lap.

“Hi how’s it goin?” Lita asked smiling at both of them.

Matt groaned as a response, “I’m fine, but Matt I’m not so sure about!” Jeff said chuckling as he kissed Lita’s cheek.

“Aww Matt!” Lita said smiling as she reached to touch his knee, “I came because I have some good news for you actually!” Lita said smiling as Matt turned to stare at her.

“What?” Matt asked hopeful.

Lita giggled, “I just left Angela from getting her makeup done...... she has nothing on her schedule for tonight after the Raw and no show tomorrow night so she’s off unitl the day after tomorrow! Ohh yeah and after that its just Houseshows until next Monday, I thought you’d love to know that!” Lita said as Matt jumped up and started laughing.

“Really? Yes this rocks! Thank you God!” Matt yelled as he skipped happily around the room as Lita and Jeff laughed.

Then Lita continued, “Adam wanted to know if we all wanted to meet at the Outback tonight around 12, I told him I’d find out from everyone. Do you wanna come with Angela? Angela said it was fine with her but it was up to you.” Lita said smiling as Matt finally sat back down.

Matt sighed, “Absolutely!” Matt said closing his eye’s happily. He didn’t care what happened later just so long as he was with Angela! He was very eager and now he couldn’t wait even more to see her!

“Great!” Lita said smiling.


Later after his match... Matt unfortunately was disappointed because right after his match with Angela she was wisked off by some technical crew people and he didn’t get a chance to see or to speak to her after there match.

Matt was riding back to the hotel with Jeff and Shane when his cell phone rang.

“Ten to one its Angela!” Jeff said glancing back at Shane as they both laughed, Matt rolled his eye’s chuckling. Matt reached into his pocket pulling out his phone and noticing that it was Angela’s name and number flashing on his cells screen.

“Hello.” Matt said excited to know it was Angela on the other end. Jeff was right

“Hey, I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk after the match I had a quick backstage segment right away with Trish, I had to go get ready for it....” Angela said mumbling to someone near by.

Matt sighed hearing her lovely voice, “Hey its okay, “ Matt lied, “How’d it go?” Matt asked resting his head back and listening to her.

“It went fine, we finished earlier then we had expected to, I went to look for you but Jay said you had left with Jeff and Shane already.” Angela said sighing as he heard someone yelling in the background.

“Yeah I need to take a shower and get changed so we decided to head back to the hotel to get ready.” Matt said sighing.

“Ohh okay. Well Lita said we’re going to the Outback tonight, I can’t wait to see you, where are you now, you almost there?” Angela asked mumbling to someone again.

“Yeah were almost there, I miss you, Lita told me you had nothing scheduled for after the show tonight and I was psyched, I got excited thinking that I might get to hopefully see you!” Matt said as Angela giggled.

Jeff laughed smiling back at Shane, “I was right!”

“Yeah I know I can’t wait to see you either, I’m so happy I feel like I haven’t seen you in such a long time.” Angela said softly.

Matt grinned, “How are you getting there?” Matt asked rolling his eye’s again at Jeff.

“Umm I think Lita’s driving Torrie and me.” Angela said softly.

“I’ll meet you then probably.” Matt said softly.

“Okay.” Angela said quietly. “Matt I’m so glad, I’m very excited because.....” Then Angela paused. “I have to wait for everyone else to leave the room, hang on.” Angela said giggling.

After a few moments Angela spoke again, “Okay there all gone, anyways I’m excited because I get to see you tonight and you can hold me and I can’t wait because you can kiss me and we can talk and after we get back to the hotel we can just stay together and be all alone. It’s gonna be so great, Ohh Matt I miss you I feel like I hardly ever see you were both so busy. It bothers me, I wish we got to see each other more!” Angela said softly whining. She spoke honestly she missed Matt so much, the past week she’d spent with him had been so great and she had hated having it end to come back to work and barely see her new boyfriend who she was crazy in love over!

Matt chuckled, “I know I can’t wait to see you either, we don’t get to see each other that much and it sucks!” Matt said softly as Jeff pulled into the hotels parking lot and shut off the car. Matt listened as a lot of laughing and commotion came from the other end surrounding Angela.

“Angie we just pulled into the hotel, I’ll see you in a little while okay?” Matt said getting out of Jeff’s car.

“Yeah okay Matt, be careful. I can’t wait to see you...” Angela said softly. Matt grinned and sighed, “All right talk to you later, see you soon, you girls be careful too! Bye Ang.” Matt said as he hung up putting his cell phone back into his pocket.

Matt grabbed his bag and shut the door following after Jeff and Shane. Shane turned around walking backwards as he looked at Matt.

“Was that lover girl?” Shane asked as Jeff and both Matt laughed.

“It was.” Matt said smiling at them both.

“Ah. Smooch smooch how sweet ‘ohh Angela I can’t wait to see you we don’t get to see each other enough and it sucks!’ How sweet!” Shane said as Matt grabbed him making them both drop there bags, Matt pulled Shane into a headlock and began yelling at him.

The three stood outside for a few minutes while Matt and Shane continued their horseplay, wrestling each other and then they made there way inside the hotel.


About 45 minutes later at the Outback...

Matt sat in the front seat of Jeff’s car as they parked in a space outside of the restaurant. Matt anxiously got out and followed Jeff and Shane to the door.

Matt saw his friends standing around the end of the bar, holding drinks and laughing and talking excitedly when they noticed the three of them. Matt’s eye’s scanned the group for Angela, but she was missing, as well as Lita. Torrie was snuggled with Adam, and Shane left to go greet Molly. Jay was talking to Trish who was holding his hand, Chris stood talking with Rob Van Damn whom he had invited because Ruby had to fly back home New Years Day to finish a fashion line for her company in Paris.

Jay looked over at Jeff and Matt as they made there way through the crowded room and over towards the bar.

“Hey boys, how ya doing?” Jay asked smiling at them as Matt took a bar stool next to him and Jeff took the one next to Matt.

“We’re both doing alright, how bout’ you Jay?” Jeff asked looking at Jay, as he glanced at Trish and smiled at her.

“I’m fine, How bout’ a drink?” Jay asked smiling at his friends.

“Sure.” Matt said shrugging as he glanced around the restaurant looking for Angela. “Umm I’ll have a beer I guess.” Matt said sighing as he looked back at Jay.

“Jeff?” Jay asked watching Jeff.

Jeff scanned the menu of drinks on the wall and shrugged, “I think I’ll have a Shirley Temple actually.”

“Okay.” Jay said as he called for the bar tender to come over.

Once Jay was done ordering from the bartender Matt asked, “Where’s Angela and Lita?” Matt asked watching Jay grin.

“Bathroom. Women who knew!” Jay said as Trish elbowed him laughing.

Matt sighed as he looked around, the restaurant was pretty packed there were people everywhere and most everyone was holding a drink.

Matt had just taken a drink of his beer when he heard Jeff’s whisper, “Angel’s heading this way.” Jeff whispered turning to look through the crowd. Matt glanced at him and then turned to see Angela walking through the crowd with Lita. She looked amazing. She wore a pair of faded jeans and a black tank top, with her cross and the necklace he’d given her. Her dark hair feel around her, long and wavy and she carried her bag and her leather jacket draped over her arm.

Matt set his drink down and stared at her, his heart beating faster knowing he didn’t have to rush to see or to speak to her tonight, that she was all for his attention tonight. That thought made him incredibly happy and as he watched her he couldn’t help but hope he’d be with her for always.

Matt stood as he noticed Angela’s eye’s had found his. She smiled seeing him and walked quickly through the crowd and came to stand next to him, smiling.

“When did you get here?” She asked as she set her jacket and bag down on the counter and reached for Matt’s hand.

Matt sighed staring at her, “A few minutes ago. Jay said you and Lita were in the bathroom so I ordered a drink.” Matt said smiling at her. Jeff had left Matt’s side ad he was off somewhere with Lita.

“Oww a drink sounds good.” Angela said smiling at Matt as he looked towards the bar to get the bartenders attention.

“White Wine?” Matt asked smiling at her as he slipped his arms around her waist and stood at the bar with her while he waited for the bartender to come.

Angela giggled, “Yes.” Angela whispered softly as Matt kissed her neck softly. “I missed you....” Angela whispered turning in Matt’s arms and leaned in to kiss his lips.

Chapter 67
Chapter 65