Chapter 69

Matt got back with Uncle Richie, and Joe around midnight. They had gone to a Dinner to eat after the baseball game. Matt followed Uncle Richie and Joe inside to find Jenny and Colleen sitting at the kitchen table playing cards and drinking coffee. Matt talked with them for a few minutes and then bid everyone a good night and went upstairs to find Angela asleep across the end of the bed. He sighed as he sat down in a chair near the fireplace, which wasn’t lit, and watched her for a long silent time.

Matt had a headache, he had had a long and confusing day, and he was looking forward to sleep himself. He got up went to his suitcase and pulled a clean pair of pajama pants from inside and grabbed a white T-shirt and left for the bathroom.

Matt was brushing his teeth when he heard giggling from behind him. He glanced in the mirror and saw Angela leaning in the doorway watching him. Matt smiled at her as he rinsed his mouth and wiped his face. Matt set the washcloth down and turned around smiling at her. "I thought you were asleep." Matt said softly as Angela shrugged and ran her fingers through her long hair and grinned.

"Do you know something." Angela said softly meeting Matt’s eye’s.

"What?" Matt asked as he reached for Angela’s hand and she walked into the room as Matt pulled her close to him.

Angela smiled at him and sighed, "Sunday’s gonna be 6 months, can you believe it? That’s a long time for me." Angela said softly meeting Matt’s dark eye’s again.

Matt chuckled, "Went by quick huh?" Matt asked smiling at her.

Angela giggled and shook her head, "We’ll be back in Vegas too! That’s exciting." Angela said softly smiling at Matt.

"Ahh such a coincidence! How lucky is that?" Matt said as Angela laughed.

"I’m happy to be going back there, though." Angela said softly as Matt touched her cheek.

"Me too." Matt whispered smiling at her.

"How was the game?" Angela asked staring at Matt.

Matt sighed and slowly grinned, "I remember why I don’t like baseball." Matt said softly as Angela giggled.

"I’m sorry Matt." Angela said softly hugging him gently.

Matt sighed, "So how did everything go here?" Matt asked as Angela looked up and met his eye’s.

Angela shrugged sighing, and Matt watched as she tried to hide a frown, "It was okay." Angela said softly not particularly wanting to get into it.

Matt sighed, "Ang I wish you would tell me what it is I don’t know, I want to know, I want to be able to help you through it or... just to help you, I hate being in the dark, I just wish I knew so I could be there to help you, I wanna be there for you if you need me." Matt whispered staring at Angela.

Angela bit her bottom lip gently and stared at him, "I’m gonna tell you Matt, I will, I swear, when we get back, I’ll tell you.... I’ll tell you everything.... you have to trust me Matt, be patient. That’s all I can ask, can do that for me?" Angela asked smiling at Matt.

Matt sighed, "I can, I’d do anything for you Angie, I hope you know that." Matt whispered as Angela smiled at him.

"Good, then kiss me." Angela said softly smiling at Matt. Matt grinned and leaned close to kiss Angela.


Matt spent a lot of time with Angela over the next several days, they went swimming and surfing and played volley ball with Colleen and Joe. They had a lot of fun together. Aunt Jenny talked alone with Angela a lot and Matt helped Uncle Richie fix up and old 67’ Chevy Impala in the garage every morning after breakfast.

Friday Night...The last night they all went to the boardwalk. Angela and Colleen walked ahead chatting and giggling. Matt sighed as he walked next to Joe. Joe was talking about his boring lawyer job, and Matt’s mind wandered as he watched Angela walking a few feet in front of him. She was so beautiful and he’d had a lot of fun with her these last few days.

Matt suddenly realized soon they be back on the road and things would go back to normal and he’d have to go back to writing Angela long, sweet notes, and sharing quick calls with her. Things would go back to being hectic and Matt would see little of Angela and he dreaded it suddenly.

Now he could see her anytime he wanted, now he could pull her into his arms and hold her and hug her and kiss her anytime he felt like it. But soon they’d be back with the wrestling and back on the road and he’d have to have Lita or Jeff or someone get a message to Angela to meet him in a dark hallway or corner away from everyone just so he could have a few precious moments alone with his girlfriend. He hated knowing that.

Matt knew he had to tell Angela how he felt...that he was in love with her, he slowly devised the perfect way in his head as he walked with Joe not really listening to anything he was saying.

Matt was in the middle of a deep thought when he heard Colleens voice and looked up and saw Angela looking at him. "I think we should go on the Ferris Wheel!" Colleen said smiling excitedly at Joe.

Joe shrugged as his pager went off and he glanced at Colleen, then he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and turned away dialing a number and walking slowly away yelling at someone on the other end.

Colleen sighed, glancing at Angela, "Don’t marry a lawyer Angela, there so busy all the time they never have any time for there wives!" Colleen said sighing as she leaned against the wood railing of the side of the boardwalk and looked around.

Angela grinned glancing at Matt, "Don’t worry Colleen I’m not going to marry a lawyer." Angela said smiling as she came to Matt’s side and snuggled against him. Matt smiled down at her hugging her gently. Not if Matt could help Angela wasn’t going to marry a lawyer.


Saturday morning.... Matt and Angela bid goodbye to her family and drove to the airport to catch their plane to Las Vegas.


Very early Sunday morning... Matt was snuggled in the back of the Limo with Angela after the plane landed in Vegas. Matt was excited to be going back to the same hotel where he’d met Angela.

Once the Limo stopped Matt nudged Angela trying to wake her up. Angela looked up at Matt sleepily, "Were here." Matt said softly as he helped Angela out of the Limo and thanked the driver and paided him. There bags had been delivered to there room before they had landed so they didn’t need to worry about carrying them. The car pulled away from them and Matt slipped his arms around Angela as he watched her look up at the hotel.

"It’s exactly the same, it’s beautiful Matt isn’t it?" Angela asked giggling as she looked up at the hotel excited, she was anxious to get up to the room she’d shared with Matt for several nights months ago... when everything began!

"Yeah. Come on its late, let’s go inside." Matt said kissing Angela’s cheek as he took her hand and lead her inside.

The lobby looked the same and Matt looked around feeling strange and thrilled to be back to this place.

Angela let go of Matt’s hand as she sat down in the grouping of couches where she’d come down to find Matt and the group waiting to leave for the Underground months ago. She sat back smiling, it felt wonderful to be back in this place. Everything started here, she’d met Matt here, they first kissed in this city, this was the beginning, Angela felt as if her and Matt had come full circle almost....almost everything was complete!

Matt smiled as he watched her for a moment and then went across the room to the front desk. Matt took the key from the man behind the counter, thanking him as he turned to see Angela watching him from the couch.

Matt smiled at her as she got to her feet and walked over taking his free hand. "You ready?" Matt asked whispering as he pressed the button for the elevator and smiled at Angela.

Angela stared at her gorgeous boyfriend and knew things in her life had never been this good before she’d met Matt. Matt had changed everything, he’d cared about her, he’d made her feel special when no one thought she was... he was everything.

Matt was her sweet fairy tale Prince Charming dream come true, her friend... the love of her life and he made her happy, made her whole, he could have her heart, he owned her heart and he could have her soul.

"I’m ready." Angela whispered squeezing Matt’s hand tightly. Matt smiled at her as the elevator door opened and Angela followed him inside.


Angela awoke later Sunday morning snuggled tight in Matt’s arms, he was sound asleep holding her tight. Angela snuggled against Matt looking around the old familiar room that she now shared completely with Matt.

Angela sighed, glancing behind her to the clock on the dresser and yawned, it was around 10am, and she knew they should get up, they’d have a long day at the arena rehearsing for RAW the next night. It was there Anniversary too! Angela reached over to set the clock for 11am and turned over snuggling back warm into Matt’s strong arms.

Matt awoke to Angela squirming against him. "Hey." Matt whispered as Angela looked up and met his eye’s.

"Morning." Angela whispered back softly as she leaned over and kissed Matt gently. Angela started to pull away to go back to sleep but Matt’s lips caught hers and he kissed her softly, slowly kissing her more deeply.

Angela sighed against Matt’s lips and took a deep breath kissing him back. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep now. Matt wouldn’t let her.


Angela was snuggled against Matt, when the clock went off. Matt who was busy kissing Angela’s neck groaned in protest to the alarm. Angela sighed as she reached over and turned it off and looked back up at Matt.

"We have to get up." Angela said softly as Matt moved from her neck and kissed her cheek.

"I don’t wanna." Matt groaned softly as Angela slipped her arms around Matt’s neck and hugged him gently giggling.

"I don’t wanna either, but you know we have too!" Angela whispered as she kissed Matt quickly. Matt rolled over and laided back sitting up next to her. Angela sat up pulling her hair back into a messy ponytail as she yawned and got to her feet moving across the well-known room to the bathroom.

"I’m gonna take a quick shower and get dressed, would you call Lita for me and tell her I’ll meet her in my locker room in like an hour or so?" Angela asked glancing back at Matt who laid there and stared at her.

Matt sighed, shaking his head. "Ang I had fun the last few days, I’m glad I got to met some of your family, they all seemed like great people... your aunt’s an extraordinary lady, I like her." Matt said softly watching Angela.

"Ohh Matt I’m glad, thank you again for going with me, it did mean a lot to me." Angela said smiling back at him.

Matt got up and came pulling Angela into his arms and smiling down at her. "Your welcome.... Happy Anniversary Angie." Matt whispered staring at Angela meeting her sparkling eye’s.

Angela stared at Matt for a long moment and then grinned, "Happy Anniversary Matt." Angela whispered as Matt kissed her gently.


Around 1pm... Angela was changed for rehearsal and she sat flipping through her script on the couch in her locker room awaiting Lita.

Angela looked up as she heard a knock on her door, then she saw Lita pop her head inside and smile.

"Hey!" Lita giggled as she shut the door behind herself and came to hug Angela.

"Hi, it’s great to see you, I missed my friends while we were gone." Angela said softly as Lita let go of her and smiled sitting down next to her.

"So how’d it go? I saw Matt earlier and he said your family was great, and that he liked your aunt a lot." Lita said staring at Angela.

Angela grinned, & shrugged, "Everything was okay I guess..." Angela said softly, "It was weird being back there.... it made me think of things I didn’t want to remember." Angela said softly staring at Lita.

"You wanna talk about it?" Lita asked watching Angela frown.

"An old friend came to dinner one night and I had asked Matt to go out with my Uncle and Brother in law... we had a very hard conversation, and I had to remember things I’d just as well like to forget. It was just difficult to be there." Angela said softly glancing at Lita.

Lita sighed and touched Angela’s shoulder, "I’m sorry Angela, just remember everyday it’ll get a little easier... so how are things with Matt going?" Lita asked smiling at Angela trying to make her feel a bit better, and to get away from that conversation.

Angela grinned, "I’m so glad were back in Vegas... today’s 6 months, can you believe it?!" Angela asked smiling as Lita giggled.

"I knew from the minute I meet you, that Matt was gonna be crazy about you. I’m so happy you two are together! Before Matt kissed you I was like trying to wrack my brain with ways to get you two together, Angela, you and Matt really are perfect for each other! It’s as if your made for each other or something... So what’s the plan for tonight?" Lita asked smiling devilishly at Angela.

Angela sighed, "I dunno, I have a feeling Matt’s got something planned but he hasn’t told me what or if were doing anything yet." Angela said shrugging.

Lita giggled, "Trust me, you know Matt, he’s got something planned for sure!"

Angela smiled, "As long as were together I’ll be happy I don’t care if we do anything or not, I just wanna be with him tonight you know." Angela said softly smiling at Lita.

Lita giggled, "Yeah... it might just be nice to hangout at the hotel and have dinner and snuggle on the couch or something... you know make out whatever... maybe go beyond that!?" Lita suggested as Angela laughed.

"Yeah right!" Angela said continuing to laugh.

"Why not?" Lita asked staring seriously at Angela.

Angela stared back at Lita clearing her throat... "Your serious aren’t you?" Angela asked watching Lita.

"Yeah, I’m mean Angela Matt’s your boyfriend, you’ve been together for 6 months today, that’s half a year.... don’t you wanna sleep with him? You love him right?" Lita asked staring at her friend.

Angela sighed watching Lita, "Yes, you know I love him...more then anything, but that doesn’t mean we automatically have to have sex together... just because we might love each other... that doesn’t mean anything...." Angela said as Lita interrupted her.

"If you love each other Angela it does mean something, it means everything! You know that! Angela I know you love Matt. I just thought that you might want to.... never mind, forget I said anything." Lita said shrugging.

They sat silently for a long time, when Angela finally spoke, "Lita the thought has crossed my mind more times then I know! I do wanna sleep with Matt, I do, I love him, I mean I’d be nuts not to want too...." Angela said softly as Lita looked over staring at her.

Lita sighed, patting her shoulder, "Angela what are you afraid of?" Lita asked watching Angela shiver.

Angela closed her eye’s and took a deep breath, "I’m afraid of getting hurt, of losing Matt to the truth... I’m afraid of being alone... I’m afraid of Ray... and Jack... Lita there both out there somewhere.... Why didn’t I keep running, why did I allow myself to give in and love Matt, to need him, and why did I let myself want him? I’m afraid of how I feel when near him, its like I lose all control of the things I know I have to do... its scares me that I can let someone affect me that way... I’m not sure if I deserve him...." Angela said softly wiping a tear away from her cheek.

Lita frowned, "That’s what I thought." Lita said sighing. "Okay first of all, no ones gonna hurt you Angela, Matt won’t we’ve been over this a thousand times, and your not gonna be alone, because Matt won’t leave you! Jack and Ray, there assholes, that’s in the past, as long as your with Matt, and you love him, forget them, they can’t hurt you! You stopped running because you found something you deserve, happiness, with Matt, because you love him! Its okay to lose control, and you do deserve him! Do you hear me?" Lita asked shaking Angela’s arm.

Angela wiped a tear away from her cheek as Lita hugged her. "Angela you’ve gotta tell Matt the truth, so you can stop making yourself sick over this whole thing, and finally move on!" Lita said smoothing Angela’s hair. "Now calm down... Come on... take some deep breaths, relax... I’m gonna fix your make-up and then were gonna rehearse your script, and then later tonight your gonna celebrate 6 great months with Matt, and your going to enjoy yourself and be happy! Do you got it?" Lita asked staring hard at Angela as she handed her a tissue.

Angela took a deep breath and shook her head. Perhaps Lita was right... she’d never lied to her before...

Chapter 70
Chapter 68