Chapter 70

Almost 3 hours later... Angela is down in the ring rehearsing with Lita, Angela’s sitting on the edge of the ring listening to Vince whose dictating orders and giving suggestions. Angela’s got a headache and she can’t wait to finish rehearsing so she can go take a shower and go back to the hotel and see Matt.

Matt and Jeff are sitting at ringside at the announcers table watching. Matt’s looking over his own script and he sighs as he looks across the ring to Angela.

"So Matty what’s the plan for tonight?" Jeff asked staring at Matt.

Matt sighed, "I have a few things in mind." Matt said softly smiling at Jeff.

Jeff chuckled, "Like?" Jeff asked watching his close friend.

Matt grinned staring at Jeff, "Well first... I’m gonna set the whole mood, candles, fireplace, music, dinner... be romantic, the whole nine yards, ya know. Then were gonna eat and move to the couch.... and I’m gonna tell Angela how I feel, and let things.... happen..... from there." Matt said smiling as Jeff chuckled.

"Good plan!" Jeff said laughing at Matt. "So while you two were away did she tell you whatever it is she hasn’t?" Jeff asked staring at Matt.

Matt frowned, "No, but she said she’s going to....soon." Matt said softly shrugging.

"Matt dude don’t you think that’s kinda weird. I mean don’t you wanna know what she’s keeping from you, I’d wanna know.!?" Jeff said glancing away from Matt towards Angela across the ring.

"Well yeah Jeff its weird... I wanna know more then anything, but I don’t wanna Angela to be upset, she can tell me whenever she’s ready, I trust her. Her aunt told me that something.... bad happened to her, something hurt her very much, and if remembering it is going to upset her then I’d just rather not know." Matt said softly watching Angela laughing at Lita who was making a face while Vince’s back was turned.

"I know you do, I’m just saying if it was me I’d wanna know." Jeff said softly stretching.

"She’ll tell me soon, she promised she would." Matt said softly watching Angela.

"Okay buddy if your sure." Jeff said patting Matt’s arm.

Matt sighed leaning back and watching Angela for a long time. He loved her so much, she the most important person in the world to him... she was special and he loved everything about her. Matt wanted to be with her forever! He wanted her to tell him what was going on with her, he knew she would soon, like she promised she would.


Angela had just gotten changed after she took a shower when she heard her cell phone ringing. She went over to the couch and grabbed it answering the phone.

"Hello?" Angela asked not recognizing the number flashing on her cell phones screen.

"Hello Angela." The quite voice said.

Angela sat down slowly trying to figure out why the voice sounded so familiar. "Who is this?" Angela asked feeling her heart beat quicken.

"Tsk Tsk, Angela you know who this is! You know me very well! You should recognize my voice baby......" Angela listened silently as she realized why the voice was so familiar, and she suddenly felt sick.

It was Ray....

"Ray!" Angela whispered clutching the arm of the couch.

Angela listened as Ray laughed hauntingly on the other end of the phone. "Aren’t you a smart little girl!" Ray said continuing to laugh.

"I’m not a little girl Ray!" Angela growled furious that he called her, that he got her cell phone number, that he had found her, that she heard his voice! Angela felt tears fall down her cheeks as she heard the evil voice she tried so hard for so long to forget.

"And I suppose you can take care of yourself now huh? Ohh little, little Angel.... Angela don’t think I haven’t seen you all over the TV.... your a very big wrestling superstar now aren’t you!? Very good looking too! Ohh yeah... Hott Angela! You always were, that’s why I had to keep you for my own! All to myself! Come now, tell me Angela, you say your not a little girl, you can take care of yourself then....? Or do you rely on your wrestling beau Matt Hardy to protect you? Honestly Angela you didn’t think I would find out.... I saw you at Aunt Jenny’s, all over him, it was disgusting! So what is he your boyfriend? How does it feel to kiss him Angel? Does he make you feel half as good as I used to?" Ray asked continuing to laugh at Angela.

Angela rubbed her head not able to control the quivering sound in her voice. "I never felt nearly as good with you Ray!" Angela growled crying softly into her hand. He’d found her.

"Tsk Tsk, I think your lying. Haven’t you learned, you shouldn’t lie to me Angela! You know what happened to you the last time you lied to me.... you ended up in intensive care.... broken bones, black & blue.... IV’s and cords everywhere, you were in tough shape, falling down the stairs after all is pretty scary! It wasn’t a pretty sight." Ray said sighing.

"I never fell down the stairs Ray, I know everything that happened, everything you did to me.... I’ll never be able to forget it... I’ll call the police and you’ll be back in jail so fast!" Angela whispered hugging her arms around herself, scared to be hearing his voice.

"You won’t... because then your precious boyfriend would know the truth, and you haven’t told him everything have you?! Your a liar Angela, you always were, once a liar, always a liar, isn’t that right baby?" Ray asked continuing to torture her with the sound of his awful voice.

He knew Matt didn’t know, how could he know that!? Angry now more then ever Angela couldn’t help but lash out, "Ray why don’t you move on, get over me and leave me the hell alone, terrorize someone else! I want nothing to do with you! I hate you!" Angela cried wiping tears from her eye’s as she tried to think of what she should do.

"You don’t hate me! I can’t get over you Angela.... I don’t want anyone else... I love you...." Ray said making Angela shake.

"You don’t know the meaning of the word Ray! You can’t love someone you hurt." Angela said softly fighting to control her own voice and her temper.

"Really? Tell me, you haven’t hurt Matt then by not telling what happened to you.... don’t you love him? Not telling him what your stepfather Jack, my good friend now actually, what he did to you? Rape’s a serious crime you know... And of course... what I did to you....? Angela you have to realize at the time you deserved it, you begged for it, you asked for trouble. I had to make you pay for lying to me! What would Matt think of you if he knew the truth, if he knew your nothing but a worthless little bitch!?" Ray asked softly.

Angela swallowed, she felt like she had been stabbed through the heart with the sharpest knife in the world! Ray met Jack, they knew each other, they were friends... "I’d never hurt Matt!" Angela whispered trying to remain as calm as she could.

"I wouldn’t be so sure." Ray said softly. "It won’t be long..... Angel... it won’t be long!" Ray said laughing at Angela.

"Is that a threat Ray... how fitting of you!?" Angela said trying to sound braver then she was or felt.

"...Soon.....very soon..." Ray said as Angela listened as the line went dead.

Angela took a deep breath dropping the phone to the floor and sitting back stunned at what had just happened, she couldn’t move, she felt so weak and so numb. Angela closed her eye’s and rubbed her head as she felt fresh tears fall from her cheeks and her mind filled with horrifying memories of things she wished she could forget.... and she let the tears come as she sat scarred, silent, and alone...

Angela didn’t know what time it was, she’d cried as silently as she could, alone, for so long. It seemed like forever, all she wanted was Matt to hold her in his strong arms, and never let her go. Angela rubbed her head, trying to think straight.

She jumped to her feet the moment she heard the door opening and she quickly wiped her face, drying her tears and she took a breath and looked up to see Lita pop her head inside her locker room.

The smile faded from Lita’s face instantly. Lita took on look at Angela and quickly shut the door coming to her side as Angela began to instantly cry as she hugged Lita tightly. Lita hugged Angela concerned and confused.

"Hey Angela what’s wrong, what happened?" Lita asked smoothing Angela’s hair trying to calm her so she could talk. Angela was shaking and Lita was really worried. "What happened Angela!" Lita asked seriously backing away so that Angela would be forced to look at her.

Angela took a deep breath and bit her bottom lip crying softly, "Ray," Angela whispered staring at Lita, "He called me, he’s knows where I am, he called me Angel.... he knows, I was so scared I couldn’t move, his voice, his voice, was so horrible, he knows everything.... he knows everything." Angela said crying as she stared at Lita. "He called me such awful things and he told me he’s friends with Jack... I think he threatened me, he said it wouldn’t be long... but I don’t know what he meant.... I was so afraid.... I heard his voice and it made me think of everything I didn’t wanna remember!" Angela said crying as Lita hugged her.

"Ohh Angela I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. I can just imagine how terrified you felt, I’m so sorry." Lita said hugging Angela tight.

"Why did he have to call today? Today was supposed to be so special... He said he saw me at my aunts with Matt... he saw me there Lita, saw us together, he knows that I haven’t told Matt the truth about everything, he knows that! How can he know? Why is he doing this to me.... he said he loved me, that he wanted me all for his own.... how could he say that to me after everything he’s put me through? He wanted to know how it felt to kiss Matt.... He asked if Matt makes me feel better then he did... Why is he doing this... why’s he doing this to me?" Angela asked crying against Lita’s shoulder.

"I don’t know why Angela, but stay calm... nothings gonna happen, we’ll figure this all out okay, don’t worry." Lita said softly wishing she was as confident as she wanted Angela to think she was.

"I just want him to leave me alone.... I just wanna move on, I don’t wanna run anymore... I just wanna be happy........ I just wanna be with Matt...." Angela whispered crying softly as Lita hugged her.

"Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise!" Lita said hugging her close friend.

Chapter 71
Chapter 69