Chapter 72

Angela stared at Matt, trying to find her voice, she took a deep breath and continued to study his soft, warm smile, trying to find the words to speak.

"You okay?" Matt asked after along time... what if Angela didn’t feel the same? Matt’s heart raced as he stared at her.

Angela shook her head slowly and sighed glancing away toward the fire, Matt watched her taking a few deep breaths, suddenly she cleared her throat and her eye’s met his once again.

Angela took another deep breath and stared at him, "I love you too Matt! I love you so much! I always have!" Angela whispered finally instantly feeling free and so much better. It was said. It was out in the open and Angela felt so happy that she no longer had to hold it in any longer. It was the truth.

Matt stared at her for a long time and then smiled, "You do?" Matt asked staring at her.

Angela felt so free she just wanted to burst! Matt knew she loved him... everything was okay! "I do... I love you..... I love you so much Matt!" Angela whispered hugging him tight as she crawled across his lap and Matt held her tight, kissing her softly, deeply... this evening was long from over with and Matt was anxious, and curious to see how much more beautiful Angela would look without the gorgeous dress...


Angela awoke to a loud clap of thunder from outside. She laid warm and safe in Matt’s arms snuggled under the covers of the bed. The curtain was drawn across the window but along the edges she saw shadows of lighting hit the sky. She turned a bit in Matt’s arms and looked up at him, he was sleeping, his breath even and relaxed. He looked so gorgeous.

Angela reached over and turned the clock so she could see what time it was. 3:43am. Angela yawned as she pulled the sheet that was wrapped around herself tighter as she slipped free from Matt’s arms and made her way across the room to the bathroom.

She was exhausted and she felt sore.... her whole body ached. Even feeling as exhasuted and sore as she did, she never felt better then she had this night.... Matt had made her feel things in the night she never felt before.... she ached suddenly for him to be awake and to make her feel that way again. It was incredible the way he touched her, the way everything had been right from a dream. Pure fantasy really.

Angela sighed as she stared at herself in the mirror and stood frozen suddenly scared remebering the phone conversation she had had with Ray earlier.

It didn’t matter, Lita was right, she had Matt, she loved him... he loved her... she had nothing to be afraid of. Tomorrow night after RAW she’d snuggle with Matt in front of the fireplace and tell him the truth... tell him about her parents, about Jack.... about that night... about running away... about meeting Ray... about that night.... tell him what Ray did to her, about her mothers death.... about that night... she’d tell him about everything that happened to her.... she’d tell him the truth... atleast then he’d know and if he still felt the same way... then great and if not then... well, so be it........... but he had to know.... he deserved the truth.


Matt awoke and reached over to pull Angela close againt him, but he opened his eye’s realising she wasn’t lying next to him. Matt sat up and looked around, The fire was slowly dying and it was cold, Matt looked around realising Angela was no where in sight.

"Ang?" Matt asked looking around as he got up and slid back into the pair of white pants he had on earlier and looked around, her dress was still lying on the floor where Matt had tossed it earlier... where was she?

Matt walked to the couch and started to reach for the coffee table to get the fireplace remote to turn up the fire when he saw Angela snuggled across the couch, holding her rose, and sleepy peacefully, a small smile showing across her beautiful face even while she slept.

Matt grinned as he walked around and knelt on the floor infront of the couch staring at her, it was almost 4:30 in the morning and Matt wondered why she was lying her rather then in bed with him, he was sure she had some kind of reason, he stared at her, she looked so cute snuggled on the couch, a thin sheet wrapped around herself. Matt grinned taking a breath and touching her arm and kissing it gently. Matt watched as Angela stirred but didn’t seem to wake up.

Matt sighed, as he rose to his feet and slid his arms around Angela scouping her into his arms and carrying her back to the bed. Matt set her down gently and covered her, then he walked around the other side and crawled in next to her, Matt stared at her as she opened her eye’s and looked up at him.

"Hey." Matt whispered touching her cheek, and smoothing some hair away from her face.

Angela smiled, "Hi." She whispered stretching a little as she snuggled against Matt.

"Why were you on the couch?" Matt asked chuckling curiously as Angela giggled.

"I got up to go to the bathroom, and I sat down for a moment and I must have dozed off." Angela whispered as she leaned over and started kissing Matt’s cheek.

Matt chuckled as he sighed and layed still feeling the soft kisses of Angela’s lips on his face. Her lips were soft and warm and Matt wanted them on his rather then his cheek. Matt turned his head and caught her lips instantly, kissing her slowly.

Angela sat up a little and wrapped her arms around Matt’s neck, slowly moving her fingers down his bare shoulders.

Matt felt weak, and frozen suddenly, Angela’s skin touching his own felt incredible... Matt thought he was dreaming. He closed his eye’s kissing her more fiercefully.

After a few moments Angela spoke, "Matt I love you.... I love you so much... I hope you know that....." Angela whispered softly against Matt’s lips, as she moved her finger tips slowly over his chest making Matt groan as he slipped his arms around Angela not wanting to ever let her go.

"I love you Ang. More then anything, I’ve loved you always." Matt whispered back in response as Angela snuggled against him and relaxed in Matt’s arms, as his lips moved over her, his touch freeing the sheet from around her and allowing him to continue to have all of her he wanted...


Angela woke up to the sound of the alarm clock buzzing on the dresser next to her, Angela was still snuggled warm against Matt. Angela sighed as she reached over and turned off the alarm and rolled over snuggling back into Matt’s arms.

After a few minutes Matt opened his eye’s, he had been half awake when the alarm had gone off and he knew they should be getting up, he had set it for 9:30 and still he didn’t want to move... he was tired, and sore, and he didn’t want to have to get up and go to work and be pulled away from Angela, not after last night, not after everything that had happened between them in the last hours. Matt hugged her tight against him and looked down at her as she yawned.

Matt chuckled and spoke quietly, "We should get up." Matt said as he watched Angela open her eye’s and groan, stretching against him.

"I’m so tired, its too early!" Angela whispered hugging Matt, burying her face into Matt’s warm bare shoulder.

Matt chuckled and sighed hugging her gently, "I’m sorry I kept you so late." Matt whispered as Angela looked up at him.

"I didn’t mean that you....." Angela began but Matt touched her lips with a finger tip to silence her.

Matt grinned, "I know what you meant!" Matt whispered smiling at her.

Angela sighed setting her head back down on the pillow as she stared up at Matt. "Would you mind if I kept you up for a bit longer?" Matt asked pulling her tight against him as he started kissing her neck.

Angela giggled suddenly understanding what was talking about... what he had in mind. Angela was tired but she’d never be too tired for this.... "Never... keep me up as long as you want as long as this is what you have in mind...." Angela whispered as Matt stopped kissing her neck and looked up at her.

"I hope you never need much sleep in that case." Matt whispered smiling down at her.

Angela giggled and sighed staring up into Matt’s dark, warm, sparkling eye’s, and at his sexy smile and she reached up and touched his cheek, "I love you Matt." Angela whispered as Matt continued to stare at her. Finally he grinned and leaned close and kissed her deeply. No schedule or obligation could have been more important that morning then the obligation Matt & Angela had to each other....


Lita found Angela that afternoon sitting alone in the lounge. She was staring at a script lying in front of her trying to memorize her lines and remember the moves she was supposed to do in the ring.

Lita was walking towards her as she watched Angela run her fingers through her hair obviously stressed. Lita saw a half a turkey sandwich and a can of soda sitting on the table next to Angela’s script.

Angela was so deep in concentration that she didn’t realise Lita was there until she sat down across from her and spoke. "Hey." Lita said smiling as Angela looked up at her.

"Hey." Angela said taking a breath and looking up at Lita.

"Whats up? How’d it go?" Lita asked smiling.

Angela giggled, "Have you talked to Matt yet?" Angela asked staring at Lita.

Lita laughed and shook her head, "How’d you know?" Lita asked smiling at Angela.

Angela shrugged, "Whenever something important happens between Matt and I, you always seem to talk to him first before you come hear everything from me, so I figured you must have already seen him...." Angela said smiling at Lita.

Lita sighed, "Well anyways how did it go?" Lita asked watching Angela giggle.

"What did Matt tell you?" Angela asked curiously staring at Lita.

Lita sighed knowing Angela was going to be difficult, and after eveything she’d been through in the last several days she decided to humor her. "Okay well Matt said you looked beautiful in the dress. Did you like it?" Lita asked staring curiously at Lita.

"Lemme guesss, did you help Matt pick it out?" Angela asked smiling at Lita.

Lita giggled, "I did, did you like it?" Lita asked watching Angela.

"I loved it, it’s beautiful... I think Matt liked it better lying on the floor though." Angela said softly watching Lita’s eye’s grow wide as she giggled.

"You mean you two finally.... well you know... you know!" Lita asked giggling as Angela laughed.

"Yeah finally. Lita it was amazing,,,, I mean I haven’t.... in so long, years really, not since Ray... but I never felt the way I did last night with Matt...." Angela whispered staring at Lita.

Lita grinned as she stared at Angela, "So did you tell him the truth?" Lita asked staring at Angela.

Angela sighed, "No. I’m going to tell him tonight after the show, once we get back to the hotel... I love him, he deserves to know the truth. it’s about time I was honest with him, completely!" Angela said softly as Lita smiled across at her.

"I’m happy to hear that... make sure you tell me every detail tomorrow!" Lita said as Angela giggled.

"Okay." Angela said giggling as she sipped some soda.

"So how’s the script coming?" Lita asked glancing down at the script lying on the table in front of Angela.

Angela sighed, "I could use some help....." Angela said smiling at her closest friend.

Lita smiled and got up coming around to sit next to Angela to help her rehearse her script for the show that night.

chapter seventy-three
chapter seventy-one