Chapter 10

Matt got to the door, suddenly realizing he was nervous. He looked at himself in the mirror in the hallway. He smoothed his hair and his shirt down making sure he looked okay. He took a very deep breath and touched the doorknob, unlocking and opening the door.

Jessica was standing there looking totally amazing! Matt was glad he hadn’t worn jeans, because he would have felt funny seeing as Jessica was dressed up.

He stood there staring at her as she stared back at him. Then he looked slowly down at her. She wore a short white spaghetti sundress, with pale flowers on it, and ruffles along the bottom. Her long blond hair was half up flowing beautifully about her shoulders and back making her face glow more then it usually did. She wore white sandals, and Matt saw her long toned, tanned legs for the first time. She was tall.

Matt was staring at her, taking in all the new things he noticed about her. When he finally looked up towards her eyes, he saw that hers weren’t staring at his like he thought they would be, but she was also looking over him. He couldn’t help being excited having her be with him again. He smiled as she finally meet his eyes.

“Hi.” Matt said smiling at her as he reached out and touched her hand. He shivered as he held her hand gently.

She smiled back at him and spoke softly. “Hi,” Jessica said watching him.

Matt sighed, smiled and moved over to let her inside, then shut the door behind her. Matt lead her into the living room where the fireplace was.

Matt watched as Jessica looked around. She smiled at him. He grinned, as she turned looking at the fireplace again. Matt walked quietly up behind her, and slid his arms around her waist. She giggled, jumping, she obviously had not been expecting it. She glanced at Matt and smiled. Matt pulled her close against him, as she laid her head against Matt’s shoulder. He leaned over and kissed the edge of her cheek softly. He felt really good when he saw her close her eyes and heard her sigh. He grinned to himself, and kissed her cheek again. She smelled really good, and her hair was very soft and she felt so good in Matt’s arms. She was with him again, and in his arms, and Matt was happier then ever. Matt continued to kiss Jessica’s cheek, until he heard her voice.

“Matt,” Jessica said whispering.

“Yeah?”ť Matt asked softly.

Jessica took a deep breathe, “You did all this? The candles, the music, the fire?” She asked as Matt watched her look around again.

Matt chuckled, “I did,” He said glancing around himself.

Jessica smiled. “It’s beautiful...” She said whispering quietly.

Matt smiled, and whispered back, “No you are...” Matt mumbled as he kissed the top of her neck.

In one movement Jessica turned in his arms and Matt stood leaning close to her face, holding her tightly in his arms. She reached up with one of her hands and touched his cheek.

He smiled down at her. He knew it. He felt himself falling for her. He sighed.

Then he leaned over not being able to hold it in anymore. He kissed her lips softly. First kissing her bottom lip slowly, then moving to kiss her top lip just as slowly, and softly as he had to the bottom, then when he finally kissed her, she didn’t waste anytime kissing him back. Jessica snuggled against Matt clinging to him as they continued to kiss each other.

Finally Matt whispered against her lips, “Jessie, getting through the day was so hard, I just kept thinking about you, I...” Matt was silenced as Jessica began kissing him again.

They kissed for a long time and stayed in each others arms until the phone rang. Matt swore, not wanting to let go of Jessica, but knowing he should go answer the phone. It rang a third time, and Matt leaned over and kissed Jessica quickly. Then forcing himself to let go of Jessica, Matt went over to the end table near his bed, and he reached down for the phone.

“Hello!?” Matt said into the phone, he felt Jessica wrap her arms around his waist and smiled waiting for a response from whoever was on the other end of the line.

“Matt?” Matt recognized Lita’s voice immediately. What could she possibly want? It had been months since Matt had last seen or heard from Lita, she had asked Vince McMahon for sometime off of work.

Cautious knowing Jessica was with him, he questioned, “Yeah, what are you calling for?” He asked feeling bitter, but trying to not to sound it so Jessica wouldn’t have to question him about it. He knew already he somehow had to find away to tell Jessica about the WWF.

“Matt I think we should talk...” Lita said.

“About what?” Matt asked felling very angry deep down, but trying not to show it.

“You know what,” Lita said, Matt could tell she was being serious.

“Yeah, well now’s a bad time. I have company.....I can’t talk right now,” Matt said in a hurry to get off the phone and turn his attention back to Jessica.

“Then when?” Lita asked.

Matt thought, he really didn’t want to talk to her, he wanted to move on. He just always figured she had moved on to other people, so he was trying to do the same, but now here she was calling him at the worst possible time. Why was she torturing him like this? Finally Matt spoke.

“I don’t know. But I really can’t talk to you about this right now I have company, I have to go,” Matt replied being interrupted.

“When Matt?” Lita asked again.

Matt was losing his patience, he didn’t want to think about it right then. Matt didn’t answer.

Lita spoke then, “What company do you have that’s more important?” She asked sarcastically.

Matt tried to think, he couldn’t, he heard Jessica whisper that she was gonna go to the bathroom. Matt glanced down smiling at Jessica as he shook his head okay to her. He watched as Jessica went into the bathroom, Matt waited until the door shut. Then he spoke softly taking the cordless into the kitchen.

“The company I have is none of your business. Now what do you think we need to talk about that’s so important you have to interrupt my life?” Matt asked angry now and letting it out.

He could tell Lita was shocked at his tone, but she answered quickly, “You’re life!? Ohh Matt if you’ve forgotten I’m a big part of your life!” Lita answered, her voice louder, and also angry.

How dare her sound so angry! If anyone had a right to be mad it was Matt!

“Yeah, you were!” Matt said trying to keep his voice down.

Lita didn’t speak at first and then finally Matt heard her voice. “I think we should talk.” She said softly.

Angry still Matt lashed back, “Ohh what’s wrong Lita, do you miss me? Do you have no one to sleep with? To cheat on your boyfriend with? Aww you poor thing. I don’t think there’s anything I have left to say to you, and now is not a good time, I have to go!” Matt said his blood boiling.

“Matt!” Lita shrieked into the phone. “So help me God if I could slap you across the face I would! I want to talk to you, God dammit, I don’t care about your company or anything else you have going on right now, we need to talk about this thing! Now!” Matt heard the anger in her voice.

Lita, I don’t want to talk, please just don’t do this to me, don’t call and mess with my head, I’m not coming crawling back to you, don’t call me again!” Matt said softly trying to calm himself down.

“Matt damn you, whether you want to admit it or not you know we need to talk. When is good for you?” Lita asked.

Matt didn’t want to talk to her. “There’s nothing to say...” Matt said as Lita broke in obviously convinced that her and Matt were gonna talk.

Lita asked “Dammit Matt, when, stop being so stubborn, and just tell when its okay to call you again!?”

Matt shook his head glancing back into the other room, Jessica was still in the bathroom. Matt felt so uncomfortable.

“How’d you even get this number?” Matt asked taking a deep breath; he was so confused, he couldn’t think straight.

“You know I have my ways Matt, now when?” Lita asked sounding mad again.

“Ways?” Matt asked laughing.

“Matt you’re the one with the company...if you want to waste time...” Lita said letting her voice fade away. Matt was so angry knowing that she was right. He wanted to jump through the phone and strangle her. He sighed.

“Call tomorrow if you must,” Matt said angrily.

Lita didn’t say anything, she just hung up. Matt walked into the living room, and threw the cordless down onto his bed. He was so angry. He groaned. Matt walked over and sat down on the couch, closing his eyes. He took some deep breaths, trying desperately to calm down.

Chapter 11
Chapter 9