Chapter 13
After several minutes Matt stood and went into the other room. Jeff followed. Jeff told Matt to have a good time. Matt thanked him biding Jeff goodnight as he left. Matt took the elevator down to the lobby. Matt took one step outside and stopped to breathe in the fresh air. He sighed.
Although Matt should have been really confused and unhappy, he couldn’t help think how good his life was. Even after everything that had happened to him! He decided then that he wouldn’t stop until he found himself feeling happy this way all the time. He wasn’t going to stop trying. Life was to short and so full of great things that he knew deep down he wanted to discover, he would find as many of them as he possibly could.
Matt sighed and walked to his car. He turned the radio on and pulled out of the parking lot. He put the top down on the convertible and let his ponytail fly in the breeze. He was in such a good mood. He didn’t want anything to be wrong tonight.
Tonight everything would be right; he was going to be with her!
Matt smiled as he thought about Jessica. He knew he was head over heels in love with her. It baffled him how he could feel that way about her even though he had only known her a few days. But sure enough that feeling was there, and it was something that Matt knew he felt. And he knew he liked it. He felt special in some very strange way. He was just so scared deep down that it was going to go away, and he wasn’t ready to give her up!
A few minutes later Matt pulled into Jessica driveway. Matt got out and looked up at her house. It was big, white and very eligant looking. There were some lights on and Matt could hear the waves hitting the beach behind it. He smiledlooking at the house in front of him, knowing who was inside made Matt shiver.
Matt took a deep breath and started toward the front door. He got there and looked down at himself to make sure he looked alright. Matt smoothed his hair down and reached out to ring the doorbell. He took several more deep breathes andwaited.
Matt looked up as the door opened slowly. Matt’s heart almost stopped when he saw her standing there. She smiled as he stared back at her. She looked amazing. She was wearing a short dark dress and her hair was half up. Her eyes sparkled as Matt met them. Matt smiled at her, there she was! That’s all Matt could think about. He sighed.
“Hi....” Jessica said softly.
“Hi.” Matt said quietly, trying to find his voice.
“Come in....” Jessica said softly taking Matt’s hand. Matt walked inside and Jessica shut the door behind him. Matt turned looking at her. They shared a quick smile, Matt couldn’t stop himself. He looked at her slowly. She was so beautiful. He sighed looking at her. Jessica squezzed Matt’s hand gently. Matt looked back up to her face. She smiled. Matt grinned pulling her slowly closer to him. He slid his arms around her waist as she hugged him. It felt so good to have her back in his arms, it made Matt so happy.
Matt closed his eyes...he just wanted to hold her. Neither of them spoke. Finally Jessica broke their silence. She looked up at Matt’s eyes and stared at him.
“I wanted you to be...” She broke off as Matt kissed her.
After a long time they stopped and Jessica spoke. “Come on I have to check on your chicken!” She said kissing Matt’s cheek, as she pulled away from him.
Matt chuckled. He followed her into the kitchen as she showed him the rooms on the way. Her house was roomy and very decorative, Matt liked it a lot.
When they got into the kitchen Matt looked at all the dishes in the sink and smelled the chicken in the oven. It smelled very good. Jessica started pouring there wine into fancy glasses when Matt came and stood next to her. She looked up athim smiling.
“Chicken smells very good! I feel so special, thank you, ohh Jessie I love it!” Matt said kissing her cheek.
She smiled at him. “I’m glad, your very welcome. I made corn and potatoes too!” Jessica said giggling. Matt groaned, laughing. Jessica laughed as she handed Matt his glass.
“Thank You.” Matt said quietly taking his glass.
“Should we toast to something?” Jessica asked sighing.
“Matt shrugged, “Sure, to what?” Matt asked smiling.
Jessica looked around then smiled, “How bout we toast to your chicken dinner that I slaved over!?” She suggested laughing.
Matt chuckled and shrugged, “To the chicken!” He announced smiling. Jessica smiled and they toasted. Matt took a gulp of his and set it down on the counter. Jessica had taken a few sips of hers and looked up at him. She set her glass down as she began to speak.
“Did you have trouble finding the house?” She asked touching the silver cross around Matt’s neck.
Matt looked down watching her, “No it was easy, I had no trouble at all.” Matt said smiling as he looked at her. He was so happy to be near her.
She met his eyes and looked down quickly. Matt smiled then slid his arms around her and kissed her. Jessica snuggled against him as she started kissing him back.
Naturally the phone rang just then. Matt sighed as Jessica groaned. Matt let go of her as she frowned looking playfully up at him. She smiled as went to the wall and picked the phone off of the receiver.
“Hello.......” Jessica said into the phone. “Ohh yeah hi...I’m good, you...Ohh really...That’s good...ohhh.... I don’t think...yes I just don’t think I’d be able to come...well I do...yes well I’ll have to get back to you...yeah alright, thanks...yes ahuh... buh bye.” Jessica said as she hung up the phone. She looked back at Matt wearily.
Matt smiled “Who was it?” He asked staring at her.
She sighed shrugging, “Ohh it was a friend, she wanted to know if I wanted to go see some wrestling show or something with her next week. The WWF or something like that. I dunno, I told her I’d call her.” Jessica said as she went over and opened the oven looking inside at the chicken.
Chapter 14
Chapter 12