Chapter 20
When Jeff woke up it was to the sound of shouting in the hallway. He sighed and closed his eyes again. He was still very tired. After a few minutes he sat up feeling very shitty. He groaned as he stood and went into the bathroom. He showered and came out to the other room and started to get dressed. He looked over to the clock on the wall near the fireplace and sighed, it was well after 4pm.
He had just pulled on a T-shirt when he heard the front door open, he glanced into the hallway to see Matt shut the door.
“Hey.” Jeff said softly as Matt rounded the corner and stopped to see Jeff infront of his closet.
“Hi.” Matt mumbled.
Jeff turned and watched as Matt fell onto the couch and covered his head with a pillow. Jeff sighed and went to the couch leaning against the back of it.
“Matt Lita called...” Jeff said as he trailed off as Matt took the pillow off of his head and turned to look up at him.
“What did she want?” Matt asked wearily groaning softly.
“Uh....” Jeff paused. “She called and she was angry cause you hadn’t met her yet and she wanted to know where you were.” Jeff said staring down at his friend.
What’d you tell her?” Matt asked as he rubbed his head.
Jeff sighed, “I told her a few things actually....” Jeff said as he watched Matt’s face. Matt sat up staring at him anxiously.
“Like?” Matt asked looking more impatient then Jeff had ever seen him.
Jeff shrugged, “I told her you got her note, and that you left, but I didn’t know if it was to go meet her...” he paused, “Then I sorta said some things to her...” Jeff said as Matt interrupted him.
“What did you say to her Jeff?” Matt asked as he groaned.
Jeff waited a moment then spoke, “Well I told her some things I thought she deserved to hear! I told her to move on and let you go! I told her that you need someone who’s gonna love you, and that she should move on because your trying too…” Jeff said as he watched Matt fall back on the couch again. Matt sighed.
“I was trying to help Matt...” Jeff said softly.
Matt shook his head. “No Jeff its okay, thanks dude!” Matt said smiling slowly up at Jeff.
Jeff grinned, “So what did she want anyways?” Jeff asked as he came around the couch, Matt moved his feet out of his way and Jeff sat down.
Then Matt shrugged, “I dunno...” Matt said looking at Jeff.
“You don’t know what she wanted?” Jeff asked looking at Matt confused.
Matt shook his head, “No I don’t know what she wanted! I didn’t see her. I never went to meet her!” Matt said closing his eyes.
Jeff sat thinking for a moment or two and then spoke again, “So if you didn’t see Lita, then where were you all that time? Where’d you go?” Jeff asked as he picked at a lose thread on his sleeve.
Matt shrugged, “I walked around thinking,” he paused, “Jeff can I ask you something?” Matt asked sitting up a bit as he stared at Jeff who looked up from his shirt and looked over at him.
“Sure man!” Jeff said softly watching Matt.
“About Jessica?” Matt asked as he watched Jeff’s smiled fade.
Jeff glanced away from him and then back. “Yeah I guess.... what?” Jeff asked looking back at Matt.
Matt swallowed and then took a breath, “I was just wondering if you ever told her you were gonna be a wrestler, I mean did you ever tell her that, that was something you wanted to do, I mean would she recognize you?” Matt asked as he scratched his head.
Jeff sighed not really knowing how to answer his friend. “Well I never really told her about it!” Jeff said shrugging and he chuckled, “Come to think about it, I know more about her then she does about me...” Jeff said grinning. “Matt see the thing is, she didn’t recognize me at that club the night you met her. I guess if she looked at me long enough or heard me speak she might eventually but I doubt
it....why’d you ask?” Jeff asked looking at Matt who sat staring at something across the room.
Matt shrugged as he sat up and laid his head against his hands on his knees.
“I was just wondering that’s all, its not that important.” Matt said softly sighing.
Jeff stretched and reached over and patted Matt on the shoulder. “You really care about her don’t you man?” Jeff asked softly.
Matt groaned, “Yeah I do....” He said letting his voice fade away.
Jeff smiled, “Hey you wanna go clubbin again with me and Jay and Adam? It’ll be fun!” Jeff said smiling as Matt looked up and over at him.
Chapter 21
Chapter 19