Chapter 24

After about 20 minutes, they had left the hotel and were walking down the Las Vegas strip looking for a restaurant to eat at. Adam suggested that they go to see “Splash.” They all agreed and decided that they would go to eat and watch the show and then hit the clubs where they would met the girls. Matt still wasn’t totally cool about going with girls and not Jessica, but he knew his friends wanted him to be there so he agreed.

The show was great and Jay and Adam were going crazy when the showgirls started dancing. Matt and Jeff were laughing at them the entire time. The food was pretty good too.

Once they had finished eating, Matt excused himself and went out to the lobby to use the phone.

He waited as the phone rang. Matt was about to hang up when he heard someone say hello.

“Hello?” Matt asked.

“Hi....?” The voice asked.

Matt recognized Jessica’s voice instantly, it was so cute. He smiled at just the sound of her voice.

“Hey cutie,” Matt said smiling, “I miss you!” Matt said softly.

“Ohh Matt! Hi, Ohh gosh I miss you too…”ť Jessica said as she apparently realised who was talking to her.

Matt spoke again quickly, “I was just kinda bored, and I knew you said you wouldn’t be home, but I figured what the hell, and your talking to me so...” Matt said fumbling through his words.

“Matt your so sweet, where are you?” Jessica asked giggling. Matt could here water running in the background so he figured she was doing dishes.

Matt sighed, “I’m out with some friends, we went to see Splash, I got bored and came out to the lobby and called you, so how come you’re home?” Matt asked hoping maybe he could go see her instead.

She sighed, “Well my friend the one who I was gonna go out with tonight, her boyfriend surprised her and flew in from Mexico like a hour ago, so she called me and wanted to know if we could go out some other time.” Jessica paused, “It’s kinda funny, I called your hotel to see if you were there and they told me you and some other guys had just left, I’m so happy you called me! Matt.... I wanna see you!”

Matt smiled, as he took a breathe, he didn’t know what to say.

Jessica spoke again softly, “Matt I have to go to New York for a few days...”

Matt was shocked, “What?” He asked feeling very stressed suddenly.

“My work, they asked me to go to New York city on an assignment, for 3 days and I excepted, I really have to see you before I leave, I’ll be back by Monday hopefully...” Jessica said softly

Matt didn’t know what to say. “Jessie,” Matt paused, “When are you leaving?”

Matt heard her take a breathe, “Friday morning...”

Matt rubbed his head, just then the operator came on asking Matt to deposit more money for more time.

“Jessie are you still there?” Matt asked.

“Yeah Matt I’m here....” Jessica said speaking quickly.

“Jessie listen, I’ll call you as soon as I get to ok?” Matt asked, trying to speak over the operator.

“Yeah ok Matt, I miss you, bye...” Jessica said.

“Bye...” Matt managed to say before the phone went dead. Matt hung up and went over to an empty chair in the lobby and sat down. He leaned over and rubbed his head, he wanted to go back to the hotel and sleep. How could Jessica leave for three days? Matt and the WWF were leaving in little over a week and now she wouldn’t be there for three days of it! Matt didn’t feel very good anymore. He sighed as he listened to the fancy music in the room. People were everywhere, laughing, and talking, and having a good time. Matt was so confused, he didn’t want to feel mixed up like this any more, he knew he had to tell Jessica the truth about who he really was, and he had to stop lying to her. Matt realized he really was in love with her, and he knew what he had to do, he just hoped that everything would work out.


Chapter 25
Chapter 23