Chapter 26

Matt and Jeff talked some more and then they went back and watched the rest of the show. Once they were done they took a taxi to a club across the city. The rest of the night was boring and Matt was miserable, he didn’t feel like doing anything. Matt wasn’t interested in the girl Jay had set him up with but he was nice to her.

Around 11pm Matt looked around the club from the table he had been sitting all alone at, he saw Jeff flirting with the girl he had been set up with, and Jay and Adam were dancing with the girls they had come to meet and the girl that Matt was supposed to be with. Matt sighed. He finished his drink and stood up stretching.

Matt made his way across the dance floor to Jeff. Jeff who had seen him coming met up with him mid way.

“Hey, you having fun?” Jeff asked with a dull look on his face.

Matt grinned, “I dunno, umm, I’m gonna get going, I’ll see you back at the hotel okay?” Matt asked as Jeff shook his head obviously he had assumed Matt was gonna leave. “Have fun Jeff.” Matt said smiling at the girl who was standing next to him, “Tell your friends it was nice to meet them,” Matt said smiling at her. She smiled shaking her head. Then Matt looked back to Jeff, as Jeff looked away from her and met Matt’s eyes.

Jeff smiled, “Don’t wait up.” Jeff said as Matt chuckled.

“I won’t, see you later.” Matt said smiling at Jeff as he turned to leave.

* * *

Once Matt was outside of the club, he looked around, he realized that Jessica’s house wasn’t far away, he could walk and be there in half an hour. For being Las Vegas it was fairly chilly outside on this night. Matt wrapped his jacket tighter around himself and started walking in the direction of Jessica’s house.


Chapter 27
Chapter 25