Locked In

Have you ever wondered what would happen if 8 wrestlers got locked in a room together? Well thanks to the sick and twisted minds of Beth and Emily, you will find out.

Warning: Language, sexual jokes, and VERY FUNNY!!!

First of all- this story is mean to be funny! I love all (ok almost all) the wrestlers in this story and I don’t want anyone to get offended at how I make the characters act. So please don’t e-mail me bitching about how I made Amy a whore, Adam and Jason ditzes, etc…


Setting: An abandoned WWF locker room. Matt and Amy (Lita) quickly make their way into it and shut the door behind them.

Amy: This’ll do for a quick make out place.

Matt: Cool (kisses Amy)


(In a separate dressing room)

Adam(edge): Dude, I know you’ve grown attached to that damn trophy, but you forgot one thing…

Jason (Christian): And that would be?

Adam: I am the damn King of The Ring and that’s my freaking trophy!

Jason: Yeah, well (starts running with trophy) It’s mine now!

Adam: Hey, you trophy stealing meanie! Get back here! (starts crying) That’s mine! (Starts running after Jason while crying)


Jason: Gotta get away, gotta get away (searching for place to go. Spots an “unoccupied” locker room) Haha, he won’t find me and my trophy in here! (Opens door, runs in and shuts the door)

Amy: Holy shit!

Matt: What are ya doing here Jay?

Jason: I uh… um… (starts laughing, pointing, and jumping up and down) I knew those weren’t real! Haha- I knew it, I knew it!

Amy: (“covering up”) Have you no respect for our privacy? (pulling shirt on)

Jason: Nope

Matt: Get out man!

Jason: Hmmm, fine. (Goes to open door) The door won’t open.

Amy: What do you mean it won’t open?

Jason: I said (very slowly) it… won’t… open.

Matt: What are you talking about? (Tries to open the door- it’s stuck) He’s right!

Amy: Well that’s ok, me and Matt can figure out… other things… to do in here (Pulls Matt to her)

Jason: (Screaming and pounding on door) Help! Help! I’m stuck in a locker room with them and they’re having sex!!! Someone help me!

Adam: (Outside the door) That sounds like Jay. (Opens the door) Aha! I found you! (Goes to slam the door)

Jay: Don’t shut the (*slam) door.

Adam: Haha- I found you and my King of the Ring trophy (looks over at Amy and Matt) Ewwww, that’s gross! (tries to open the door)

Jason: It’s stuck

Adam: Is that why you told me not to shut it?

Jason: Could be…

Adam: Yeah, that was stupid of me… at least I have my trophy.

Jason: No! (Holding tightly on to it) It’s mine!

Adam: No, its mine (Grabbing onto the other side and starts pulling on it)

Jason: Mine!

Adam: Mine!

(Adam and Jason are fighting over the trophy and Matt and Amy are still pre occupied.)

Jeff Hardy: (Running) Got (pant) to get away!

Stacy: Jeffy!

Torrie: Jeffers, where are you- come out wherever you are.

Jeff: Shit, I gotta get away from those sluts! (Sees shut door, opens and runs in)

Adam and Jason: Don’t shut the (Slam) door…

Jeff: Adam, Jay help me, I got 2… (pants)… Stacy and Torrie, the whores are chasing me.

Jason: Are you an idiot Jeff?!

Adam: I think so.

Jeff: That’s not nice… why’d ya go and say that?

Matt: (muffled from the corner) It’s stuck.

Jeff: Matt, you’re here! (staring) Whoa, yeah bro! Get some of that- yeah!

Matt: (standing up) Are you looking at my woman?

Jeff: No… uh… Adam was though.

Adam: Why would I look at a hosebeast like that?

Jason: Yeah, brutal. B-R-UTAL.

Matt: Are you making fun of my woman?

Jason and Adam: (scared) No.

Matt: That’s what I thought!

Stacy: (Opens the door) Jeffy, you in here?

Jeff: AAHHHHHHHHH, Help me! They found me! (hiding behind Matt and Amy)

Matt and Amy: Don’t shut the (slam) door.

Torrie: Why did they say don’t shut the door?

Adam: Oooooh, it could have something to do with- IT DOESN’T OPEN!

Amy: They don’t call them dumb blonds for nothing.

Jason: Hey, I’m a blond.

Amy: I rest my case.

Stacy: Yeah, do you wanna start “Hardy girl?”

Amy: (standing up) Yeah, I do. What are you gonna do about it?

Stacy: (sliding into the corner and shaking) N… Nothin…

Amy: That’s what I thought.

Torrie: At least I got ma baby (walking over to Jeff) How about a kiss?

Jeff: (crying) Someone help me!! Gets away!! MATTTT HELP ME!!!!

Matt: (Back in the corner with Amy) Sorry man, I got some other things to do.

Jeff: Jay? Adam? Help!!!

(Adam and Jay are fighting over the trophy. Stacy is still in the other corner cowering in fear and Torrie is advancing on Jeff)

Jeff: Someone help, please, don’t let her dirty lips touch me.

Torrie: You know you like me.


Trish: (Running into the room and slamming the door) Super Canadian woman to the rescue!

Adam: She shut the door.

Jason: Thank you captain obvious.


Trish: You best back up bitch!

Torrie: I’m supposed to be scared of some chick in a cape with huge, fake hoo hoos?

Trish: Your tits are faker than mine!

Torrie: No they’re not!

Trish: Yes, they are. You are all silicone.

Torrie: Are not!

Trish: Are to!

Jericho: (walking in) Would you please…

Adam, Jason, Matt, Amy, and Jericho: SHUT THE HELL UP!

Trish and Torrie: Sorry (sit down)

Jericho: So what are we all doing in here (shutting door)

Trish: We can’t open the door from the inside and you just shut the door.

Jericho: And why didn’t you say something sooner?

Trish: Cause you said “Would you please…”

Trish, Torrie, Jason, Adam, and Jeff: “SHUT THE HELL UP!”

Jericho: Oh dear God. At least I have my handy dandy cellie. (takes out cell phone)

Jeff: Ooooh, a cell phone! (Grabs it outta Jericho’s hand) Good idea! I can call Miss. Cleo for my free psychic reading!

Jericho: Not with my cell you’re not.

Jeff: Hold on… we’re talking… Is this Miss. Cleo?… my name’s Jeffery NEEEERO Hardy and I’d like my free tarot card reading… Ok… mhmmm… a blond… with big hoo hoos? (looks at Torrie and his eyes grow wide) AAAAAAHHHHH (throws the cell phone against the wall and it shatters,)

Jericho: My phone!

Adam: My chance of getting out!

Stacy: My nail! (looks around at everyone) It… umm… broke.

Matt: Now why in hell would you throw the phone against the wall Jeff?

Jeff: Miss. Cleo scared me.

Jason: What could she say that could possibly possess you to throw a cell phone against a cement wall?

Jeff: That I’d marry Torrie someday

Jason: Good answer.

Adam: I’d bang my head against a cement wall if I heard that!

Jericho: I’d throw myself outta a moving car.

Matt: I’d be happy!

Amy: WHAT??!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt: I mean… I… uh… I… I love you?

Amy: That’s more like it.

Stacy: The walls (gasping for breath) they’re closing in… help… Ohhhh.

Trish: Shut up, you’re gasping is taking all the air.

Stacy: Well, your boobs are taking up all the space.

Matt: Hey, I like Trish’s boobs.

Amy: YOU WHAT??!!

Matt: I… I… Uhh… I love you?

Amy: That’s what I thought.

Stacy: We’re running outta air!!!

Jericho: Stacy, don’t worry. You have enough air in your head to last us a week.

Stacy: Thanks.

Jericho: Wow, never mind…

Adam: Let’s play spin the bottle!

Jason: Spin the bottle?

Jericho: Copeland, we don’t gotta bottle.

Jeff: I DO!

Matt: You have a bottle?

Jeff: I keep one in my back pocket at all times.

Matt: I’m sorry I ever asked.

Jeff: (Pulls out the bottle) Ok, everyone in a circle.

Jeff: Since it’s my bottle, I’m spinnin’ first! (Spins the bottle and it lands on Torrie)

Jeff: AHHHHH, I don’t wanna play!

Torrie: Come on Jeffy, you gotta kiss me!

Jeff: Please no. I’ll kiss Jericho before I kiss her!

Jericho: No you won’t!!

Adam: T.M.I!!! (covering ears) LALALALA!

Torrie: Come on Jeffy, it’s the rules!

(Jeff closes eyes and puckers lips, tears running down his face. Torrie kisses him.)

Jeff: EWWWWWW (wiping at mouth) Yuck, ewww, slut cooties!

Torrie: You know you liked it!

Jeff: I like making out with my dog better than you.

Adam: Jeff, you make out with your dog??

Jeff: Well…I… umm… I was really drunk… and I…Who’s turn is it?

Stacy: Mine! (Spins the bottle and lands on Matt)

Amy: Oh no! You are not kissing my boyfriend! Hell no!

Matt: Come on Ames, It’s the rules.

Amy: (crosses arms in front of her) Fine!

Stacy: You ready??

Matt: (excitedly) YES… (looks at Amy) I mean if I have to.

(Matt and Stacy start making out)

Amy: Matt?? Matt??

Matt: Mmmm, that was niiiice.

Amy: Oh hell no!

Matt: Amy, it’s a game… it was…

Amy: Shut up or I’ll hurricarana you!

Matt: Yes ma’am.

Amy: My turn!!!

(Spins the bottle and it lands on Jeff. Big smile across Jeff’s face)

Amy: Come here Jeff.

Jeff: This so makes up for having to kiss that skank.

Torrie: Hey, that’s mean!

Matt: You are not kissing my girl Jeff!

Jeff: Uh… yeah I am.

Amy: It’s the rules!!!

(Jeff and Amy start kissing. Adam, Jason, and Jericho watch with big eyes)

Jeff: Amy, will you marry me?

Matt: Yo! No you don’t (bitch slaps Jeff)

Jeff: Ooow, that hurt! (slaps Matt)

(Matt and Jeff start fighting, Amy, Trish, and Jericho try to break them up and Adam, Jason, Torrie, and Stacy miraculously find some popcorn and eat and watch like they’re at the movies.)

Jason: $20 dollars Matt wins.

Adam: You’re on, and if Jeff wins I get the King of the Ring trophy.

Stacy: Doesn’t Matt look gorgeous?

Amy: What did you say?

Stacy: Nuttin’ I was just… ummm…

(Amy starts fighting with Stacy)

Adam: $20 on Amy.

Jason: You’re on…

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 ½ hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jericho: (Banging his head against the wall) I want out… I want out… I want out…

Jeff: (looking up at the ceiling, counting the tiles) 22… 23…25…28…

Matt: (Playing with his toes) this little piggy went to market…

Amy: (Braiding Trish’s hair)

Trish: (drooling over Jeff)

Torrie and Stacy: (Dancing and singing I’m a little tea pot)

Adam: (crying in the corner)

Jason: (staring at his reflection in the trophy) I won the trophy… I won the trophy…

Jericho: I need to get the fuck outta here!

Jason: How are we supposed to do that?

Jericho: Think about it. We’re wrestlers. Between the 2 WCW whores, the 2 WWF sluts, the valley girls, the Hardly boys, and the ayatollah of ROCK AND ROLLA! I think we can get the door open.

(The 8 spend the next 3 hours running at the door, hitting the door, pushing, and kicking)

Jeff: (collapsing on the floor, panting) I give up. It’s stuck.

Adam: (crying) It’s impossible.

Torrie: (Looks at her watch) Oh my God. I missed my implant appointment!

Stacy: I’m gonna die here.

Amy: Hey, you guys. What does that sign above the door say?

Jeff: (trying to sound it out) P… Pu…P…P…

Adam: It says PULL you reekazoid! But why would it say that?

Trish: (scratching her head) I dunno… I’m confused.

Jason: (rubbing his chin deep in thought) You don’t think it means if we pull the door it’ll open do you?

Matt: It’s worth a try.

Amy: Umm… where did Jericho go?

Stacy: Oh my God! He disappeared!

Torrie: Aaaaaaahhhh!

Jason: You don’t think he pulled the door and left do you?

Adam: Could be.

(Matt pulls at the door handle, the door opens easily)

Matt, Jeff, Jason, and Adam: oooooohhhhhhhhh.

Amy, Trish, Stacy, and Torrie: aaaaahhhhhhhh.

(Adam, Jason, Matt, Jeff, Amy, and Trish walk out and shut the door)

Stacy: (Still in the room) How’d they do that?

Torrie: I dunno, but they closed the door.

Stacy and Torrie: Uh-oh.

~~~2 years later~~

Jeff: Do y’all remember those WCW girls Stacy and Torrie?

Amy: Yeah, whatever happened to them?

Matt: I dunno. The last time I saw them was when we were locked in that room and we got out. Then we shut the….

Amy, Matt, and Jeff: Ooooooohhhhhhhh.

~~~~~~~~~ The End~~~~~~~~~~~~

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