Chapter 45

I sat at home and fidgeted, I couldn’t stop thinking about Matt and what I had done to him. I turned in my reclining chair and picked up the phone. I dialed Jeff’s cell phone number, silently praying I wouldn’t get his voice mail.

"Hi ya’ll, Jeff speaking..." he answered.

"J-Jeff, its Maria..." I started slowly.

"...(deep sigh)...what’s up?" he asked with concern.

"How is Matt doing?" I asked without even thinking. Of course he was mad; was I to except that he would be happy about what I did.

"He’s hanging in there..."

"So am I." I replied uneasily.

"Maria, why did you do it?" Jeff asked suddenly.

"I don’t know... I was scared; too many things were coming at me in different angles and I couldn’t handle it so I ran away." I said, my eyes starting to fill with tears.

"That is no excuse Maria, we were here for you. We would have helped you no matter what, but you had to take everything into your own hands, sometimes you have to let people help you. You have to learn that people aren’t scary and that you can deal with them. You have to stop being so anti-social and take a risk now and then or you are going to waste your life."

"Jeff, I did risk it, and look what happened, Matt and Amy kissed, they changed the script all around on us, tearing the four of us apart, and then I left. Things just seem to be better if I don’t risk things ya know?"

"No, Maria, I don’t understand... Matt loves you with his whole heart, you have to trust him and the rest of us.... I’m sorry Maria, I have to get going. Now that you’ve run off we have to go straighten things out with Vince, or we might not have jobs tomorrow. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for calling...bye." Jeff said and hung up.

"Bye." I answered and hung up the phone. I had gotten myself into a real mess, what was I going to do??

Chapter 46
Chapter 44