Chapter 5

"Where have you been?" Jeff was asking.

"Wasting my time." Matt replied, still sounding a little pissed off.

"Wasting your time where?" Jeff asked, totally clueless.

"I stayed at the arena tonight after the show was over, to get some paperwork done, and I was sitting in the locker room when I thought I heard someone out in the arena. So I snuck out there, and Maria and her dog were out there pretending to be wrestlers. She was really good, even though she was just goofing around, but when I came walking down the ramp to talk to her she got really defensive and angry. I was just trying to convince her that wrestling would be a good move for her, but she is really thick headed." Matt told Jeff the whole story.

"Really? Well, I don’t know why the two of you don’t get along, but Maria's sweet to me." Jeff replied.

"I don’t know either, it’s like when she gets in front of me, she shuts up and tries to hide herself from me. Then just when I think she is starting to understand what I am talking about, she comes up with something sarcastic or nasty to say, pushing me further away." Matt said, with a sigh. "I don’t know why I bother." Matt said, stretching back on his chair, leaning his head against the railing of the balcony.

"Why do you bother, because ever since you've seen her, you haven't been able to take your eyes off of her. Face it big bro, you like the girl." Jeff said, crossing his arms where he sat. Silence had come over the balcony I was eavesdropping on. What would his response be, I thought, intently listening from my position on my chair.

"No, I don’t. She just interests me because she shuts everything out; I have this need to find out why." Matt replied, almost quietly, as if he knew I was listening on the other side of the wall.

"Matthew Moore, I’m your little brother, I pick up on everything, you can kick and scream all you want, but you like her, and you can't deny it, you may be able to say that you don’t like her, but your eyes give it away." Jeff shot back with confidence.

"My eyes give it away?" Matt asked, with a slight laugh.

"Yes they do, there is so much burning passion in them, you can’t hide it, and I know Maria sees it too, hello, that's why she shuts you out, she likes you too, and being defensive and cold towards you, is her way of trying to cover it up." Jeff said, logically.

"You, actually think that under all that anger and resentment towards who knows what, there is a beating heart that likes me?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, bro, I know, its hard for me too, a girl actually liking you, what’s the world coming to?!" Jeff said, playfully.

"Shut up Jeff, this conversation is getting too weird for me, so, I’m going to get some sleep." Matt said, standing to his feet and taking one last look over the balcony before he headed back inside.

Back on my side, I sat in shock of their conversation, Matt, actually liking me? No way. Me liking him, ah, maybe...I thought to myself. I then closed my binder and headed to my own bed, ready for a good nights sleep. My first day in the Federation had been a crazy one.


Chapter 6
Chapter 4