Chapter 1

Mimi is sitting in her dark apartment glaring at her monitor, it's 2am and as usual she can’t sleep so she decides to get up and try and complete the Fanfic that she has left undone from the week before

Me * pleading at my empty monitor *: Please come on just a little help here...I got the idea but god help me if I know how to put it down

I grumble some more and look at my watch

Me: great it's 2am...damn insomnia

I feel my eyes getting heavy so I decide to go get some more coffee adding to the 3 cups I had before...but before I could get up I hear a voice.

The voice: hey hold on where doing you think you going?

Me* I shake my head and look around to see where the voice is coming but I only find my empty apartment *: jeez...I got to lay off the caffeine *I sit back down*

The voice: This has nothing to with your caffeine addiction...even though you should lay off the stuff...just touch the monitor screen for a second and you'll understand...

Me* I blink and look at my monitor *: wait...oh my god the voice is coming my monitor

The Voice: Well duh...just touch the screen we don't have all day

Me* I look at my monitor *: eh...what do I have to loose? *I go and touch the screen everything goes black*

I wake up in house that is decorated in a very gothic style...I look around in awe of everything. I feel a cool breeze so I go to pull robe closer to my body but I then realize I wasn't wearing my robe and my old bunny slippers any more but instead I was wear combat boots with fishnet stocking, a dangerously short leather skirt with a black halter top and over all this I had on a long leather jacket.

Me * a bit stunned *: whoa...what the hell is going on here and what am I wear I look like some kind of freaky biker chick... * I hear a chuckle from behind and turn around*

I turn around and as usual myself being a total klutz fall forward into a set of strong arms look up and see a dream...

Me: holy shit...your EDGE!!!

I get up and stubble back I look around me and to my surprises sees all my muses

EDGE* smirking *: It's been a while hasn't it love?

Unable to speak I just stand there and nod my head like a dork

Jeff: A little tongue-tied aren't we? It really has been to long Mimi* Jeff comes up and gives me a little kiss on my check then goes and stand's next to Matt, Christian *

Me: What's going on I don’t think this should happen when I only had three cups of coffee, this must be some screwed up dream * I stand there and start rubbing my eyes trying to wake myself up*

Me * I stop rubbing my eyes, and look up *: This isn't a dream is it?

Christian *smiling *: This is every thing you want and need

Me: Why did you bring me here? And whose idea were these clothes?

Jeff* snickering *: oh yeah the clothes were mine, I remembered them from a Fanfic you wrote before and how much you liked them, any way's you look amazing

I start to blush at his compliment

Matt * looks up for the book he was reading *: The reason you’re here is simple, you wanted help with your Fanfic, we're here to help you, to inspire you.

Me: But you don’t understand the Fanfic is supposed to be like so totally hot and heavy sex and * I stop for a second and look at my muse, suddenly realizing what he meant * “oh my god!”

EDGE * looking over at the others *: I think she understands.

Me * pinching myself *: This has to be some fucked up dream, this is not happening. I didn't think I was that far gone to be having delusions. Okay so I'm a bit obsessive with wrestling and fanfics, but you people got to be joking, that is what this is some kind of dream. It must be a dream, that’s it I'm dreaming and I'm too tired to wake up

Edge * sighing*: Fine believe what you must but ah we'll we might a well show you what we mean

*Edge takes my hand and the room start to fill with blue smoke. I black out yet again *

Chapter 2