chapter 12
"Hello?" answered a sleepy Jeff.
""Jeff it's me." Meredith whispered.
""What's the matter?" Jeff asked rubbing his eyes.
""My dad....he's back....I'm scared Jeff." Meredith said crying.
""Did he hit you again?" Jeff asked getting angry.
""No worse. He hit my Mom."
""Pack some clothes I'm coming to get you." Jeff said.
""Are you sure?"
""Yeah Matt and I will come pick you up." Jeff said getting up.
""Okay meet me by the tree." Meredith said. Meredith then heard a knock on the door.
""I got to go,hurry." she whispered. She hung up and answered the door.
""What do you want?"
""Meredith were you with a boy today?" her dad asked.
""I went to a BBQ of course there are going to be boys." Meredith stated. For an answer she got a slap in the mouth. Meredith's lip began to bleed.
""Don't talk back to me you little slut. Now you listen I know things, even though I haven't been here I know. I know about your little boyfriend. You stay away from him if you want to live." Her dad yelled. They stared at each other and he finally he pulled her hair and left. Meredith fell to the floor crying, holding clumps of her hair that her dad pulled out. While she was on the floor Matt and Jeff were coming into her window.
""Meredith." Jeff said running over to her. Matt locked the door for them and helped Jeff carry her to the bed.
""He hit you didn't he?" Jeff asked, Meredith shook her head yes.
""Jeff get her clothes, I'll take care of her." Matt said. While Jeff was grabbing her clothes Matt put his arm around her. She was shaking like mad. After grabbing her clothes they finally got Meredith to climb down the tree.
"The next day Meredith woke up in Jeff's bed. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She smiled when she saw Jeff on the floor, hugging one of his pillows. She had no idea what happened last night. She had a really big headache too. She looked down at herself she was wearing one of Jeff's baggy shirts. She quietly got up, grabbed her bag, and went to the bathroom. After changing into her clothes and putting up her hair, she went back to Jeff's room. Jeff was sitting on his bed in just his boxers. Even though she had a headache she could see he had a nice body.
""Hey baby." Meredith said kissing Jeff.
""Hey did you sleep all right?" Jeff asked sitting her down.
""Yeah why?"
""Because you were tossing and turning." Jeff said looking worried.
""I'm sorry sweetie did I keep you up?" she asked again playing with his hair.
""No, I was watching you sleep. Your so beautiful." Jeff said kissing her.
""I know. No, I'm just kidding. Well, if I'm beautiful you are sexy." Meredith said kissing him. They made out for a while then decided to get some breakfast.
Chapter 13
Chapter 11