Chapter 13

"So what kind of cereal do you got?" Meredith asked sitting down at the table.

"Cereal? How about I cook you breakfast?" Jeff suggested getting out a pan.

"Jeffery you cook. Wow what a man. I would love for you to cook for me." Meredith said astonished.

"Bacon and eggs?" he asked, Meredith nodded yes. Meredith got herself a plate and Jeff served her.

"Oh Jeff, do you have any catsup?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah, why?" he said getting up and getting her some.

"We Meredith! That's gross! Argh I'm never kissing you again, ewww!" Jeff said watching her putting catsup all over her eggs.

"What? It's good!" she said taking a bite. After breakfast Meredith went upstairs to brush her teeth again and came back down to the living room. When she came back Matt was awake.

"Hey Mer." Matt said.

"Hey Matthew." She said sitting by him on the love seat. Jeff was on the couch.

"So how did you guys get me here last night?" Meredith asked.

"Well, after you calmed down, we got you to climb down the tree. When we got here Jeff changed you into one of his shirts and we gave you some pain killers." Matt said.

"Thanks guys your the best." Meredith said giving Matt a hug.

"Uh hello I'm over here." Jeff pouted. Meredith walked over to him and gave him hug too. Jeff was going to kiss her but Meredith pulled away.

"I thought you were never going to kiss me again?" Meredith asked in a cocky voice. She started to walk away but Jeff grabbed her arm and pulled her on top of him. They started making out...again!

"Ewww! Get a room!" Matt yelled. They got up and walked outside to the trampoline. They sat down and started chatting.

"Meredith do you think I'll ever make it to the WWF?" Jeff asked out of no where.

"Of course I do. I mean if you work hard, eat right you could make it." Meredith said squeezing his hand.

"Well, what if it gets to tiring and I feel I can't do it?"

"Just remember how hard you worked and how stupid it would be to quit."

"Meredith would you like to come to one of my wrestling matches?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah that would be cool!" Meredith said getting up and starting to jump. "I'm hyper!"

"You know all my other girlfriends thought my wrestling dream was dumb, but not you. I like that. How do you do that?" Jeff asked Meredith.

"Do what?"

"Well, I mean you father just beat you last night and today you're all happy."

"Well, if I acted sad and depressed that would just give my dad satisfaction. I try not to let my dad get to me. Otherwise I would be as low as him."

"Sometimes you amaze me Meredith Jones."

Chapter 14
Chapter 12