Chapter 2

"Why are you smiling?" Meredith's Mom asked.

"The delivery guy! Ooooo mom he was so fine!" Meredith said carrying the pizza into the kitchen.

Meredith woke up the next morning feeling slightly nervous about her first day of school. She walked into her closet and picked out the cutest outfit. It was tight black flares and a bright pink tank top with white rhinestones all over it. She had her pulled back with a black brastrap head band. She finished off her outfit with black high heeled boots. She brushed her teeth and did her make up. She grabbed her keys and her bag before heading out.

"Oh hunny you look so amazing. Wait right there, let me get the camera." Meredith's Mom said.

"Mom, no! I'm leaving. Wish me luck and say bye. That's it." Meredith said opening the door.

"Okay. Bye, I love you and good luck." She said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek. Meredith got in her car and started it up. She was driving a 2001 blue Acura. She drove around slowly and finally found Cameron high. For a small town, the school sure was big. She parked and got out. While walking to the school she was receiving some weird glance. She found the principals office and told them that she was new. While waiting for the principal, the first hour bell rang.

"Hello Meredith. I'm Mrs.Grant." she said shaking Meredith's hand. Mrs.Grant went over the rules and other things before showing Meredith her first hour class. They walked over to the English room and Mrs.Grant stopped Meredith.

"If there is anything you ever want to talk about my door is always open. No matter what the other kids say. We don't have a schedule for you yet so you'll have to follow someone around for the day." Mrs.Grant said opening the door. "Mr.Russel, I got another one for you." She said before she left.

"Hello. Why don't you take a seat over there, at the end." Mr.Russel said.

Meredith walked over to her desk and sat down. "Why don't you tell us a little something about yourself."

"Well, my name is Meredith Jones. I'm from New York City. I'm sixteen and that's about it." Meredith said turning red.

"Does anyone want to show Meredith around school today?" Mr.Russel asked.

"I will." A girl with blonde hair in pigtails said.

"All right. Meredith this is Alex, she'll be your guide for today." Mr.Russel said. After that he started teaching again. The class got very boring after that. Meredith rested her head on her eyes and her eyes started to feel droopy.

"Meredith." Someone whispered. Meredith looked around and seen Jeff sitting two seats away from here. Meredith mouthed hi and smiled. The bell rung for the next class and Alex was waiting for her by the door.

"Hey Meredith. I really like you outfit." Alex said.

"Thanks. It's from the GAP." She said. The rest of the day went by pretty fast and Alex and her were becoming fast friends. Finally it was lunch time......

Chapter 3
Chapter 1