Chapter 5

After the movie Carmen and Shane left together without telling anyone. Everyone assumed they had driven to make out point. Alex decided that she wanted to go out to eat. So her and Randy left.

"How the Hell am I supposed to get home now!" Meredith asked watching Alex's car leave.

"I can drive you home, Meredith." Chad offered. Meredith was a little worried riding back with Chad but since Jeff hadn't asked she agreed. She got in Chad's truck and waved bye to Ali and Jeff. Chad turned on the radio and started to speed up once on the road. He looked over at Meredith and smiled.

"Take a left there." Meredith said. "Or not." She said after Chad had passed the turn. "Where are we going?"

"I want to show you something." Chad said turning the truck and heading up a hill road.

"Are we going to make out point?"

"Kind of. It's the same hill except there is a great view over here." Chad said smiling. He stopped the car and they both got out.

"this is beautiful" Meredith said.

"Yeah, almost as beautiful as you." Chad said trying to act like James Dean.

They got back in the car and sat in silence. Chad slid over so that they were super close.

"I really like you Meredith." He said then he gently pushed her against the truck window.

"Well, I don't really know you Chad. But you do seem sweet." Meredith said getting a little scared. Chad moved closer to her and grabbed her hand, it was shaking.

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you." Chad said kissing her. They kissed and Meredith started enjoying it. He was a great kisser but something was missing. They kissed more but then Chad started putting his hand up her shirt.


"What?" he said kissing her neck.

"No don't. I don't know you. I just moved here. I want to go home." She said.

"Fine, if that's what you want." He said starting the truck.

The next day Meredith was very quite. She felt like such a slut. Making out with a guy she barely knew! She had gotten her schedule and had a couple of classes with Alex and Carmen. Every class she went to she heard 'oh look there she is.' Lunch time came and she sat with Alex and the rest of the girls.

"Oh look her she comes." Kassi said when Meredith sat down.

"I can't believe you would do that Meredith." Ali said.


"Well, Chad said that after the movie, well..." Carmen said stuttering.

"Oh come on Meredith. Don't play dumb. You city girls are all the same, if you know what I mean." Kassi jumped in.

"Obviously I don't." Meredith shot back.

"You had sex last night with Chad! On your first day here." Kassi yelled.

"What?!?!" Meredith yelled. Just then the guys came and sat down. Chad sat next to Meredith and put an arm around her.

"Get the fuck away from me." She said standing up.

"What's the matter baby?" Chad asked.

"you fucking liar!" she yelled slapping him, then she ran off.

"Dude you lied about that whole thing?" Jeff asked.

"I might of fibbed a little." Chad said laughing.

"That's wrong. She just got her and you ruined her rep." Alex said getting up and leaving, Carmen followed. They walked into the girls bathroom and heard crying.

"Meredith?" Carmen asked.

"Leave me alone." Meredith sobbed.

"Sweetie come out. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing your hurt." Alex said.

"You don't have any idea what it's like. Just leave me alone." Meredith said. Meredith stayed in the girls bathroom for the rest of the day. The final bell rang and Meredith waited a little while longer before leaving. When she was walking out, the parking lot was empty except for a couple of cars. She put her head down and slowly walked to her car.


Chapter 6
Chapter 4