Chapter 9

"Ooooo! Go Jeffery!" Matt yelled from the back door. Jeff and Meredith imediatly sat up.

"What are you talking about?" Jeff asked fixing his hair.

"Don't try to act innocent I seen you guys." Matt said smirking.

"All right, all right guilty as charged." Meredith said getting down. "Well I better go."

"Do you have to? Can't you stay a little while longer?" Jeff asked getting down also.

"Nope. My mom is probably worried sick." Meredith said walking to her car.

"I guess." he sighed. Meredith got in her car and rolled the window down.

"If it counts for anything, I found you extremely sexy when you were fighting. Your shirt sticking to your body." Meredith said smiling.

"Well I find you sexy all the time." he said giving her a kiss.

"Bye." she said as she pulled out.

The rest of the week went by and Jeff and Meredith were declared a couple. Saturday came and Meredith was excited. She was suppose to go over to Jeff's around twelve to help set up. The BBQ wouldn't be starting until three though. After taking a shower Meredith changed into black tight shorts and a bright red hulter top. She put her hair in two french braids and did her make up. She grabbed her black bakini and put it in her bag before going down stairs. Meredith grabbed the four bags of chips she was suppose to bring and left. When she parked in Jeff's driveway, Jeff met her outside.

"Lemme help you, Mer." Jeff offered grabbing the bags of chips.

"You look good Jeff." Meredith said checking him out behind. He was wearing a tight black wife beater and khaki baggy shorts.

"So do you. Meredith I want you to meet my dad." Jeff said putting down the chips pointing to his dad.

"I'm Meredith, it's nice to meet you." Meredith said shaking his dad's hand.

"I'm Gilbert. so your the famous Meredith? Jeff doesn't shut up about you." Gilbert said laughing.

"Okay, okay enough about me." Jeff said. "Let's go set up."

Chapter 10
Chapter 8