Chapter 3

Sab finally, after a long period of time, had decided on a long blue, glittering dress, navy heels, which, ironically enough, lay upon her bed when she emerged from the closet.

“You look nice...” a voice from the door said softly.

Sab turned around to see Kurt standing there. She looked at him oddly. Adam said that in this book world, the people were the same as in her books. But in her books, she had always made Kurt her brother. Was he now? Her question was quickly answered.

"Listen, Sab. Don't get too worried about tonight. I mean after tonight we are going into in your books, we will become like that, like you have made us. I will become your brother. Then, well, everyone else will be as you made them. You get it?" Kurt questioned.

Sab looked into his sapphire eyes, "Yes, Kurt. I understand. I just have a few little questions I need to have answered,"

"Well, thoses little questions you have will be answered tonight, and Adam, man, he will always be here to help you. He doesn't go into character, he stays the way he is," he stared at her emerald eyes. The most amazing shade of green.

"Alright, I understand, but when can I ask Adam my questions?" Sab fingered the hem on her dress.

"Oh, that's what tonight is all about. You can ask us all questions, stuff like that. We can make small talk, but we aren't real. Understand that. Tonight, I mean. We are all sorta like zombies. Tomorrow morning, we will act normal, the way you wanted us to."

Sab smiled weakly, nodding her head.

Kurt turned to leave, and as he opened the door he turned around to find Sab still staring at him.

"By the look good tonight. All the others are lucky, they don't have to be your brother," he grinned lightly then added, "Adam will be here in a few minutes. Why don't you go look outside? You will find that it is quite different from your world." With that he turned and left the room, shutting the door securely behind him.

Sab watched after he left for a few minutes, then continued to the balcony that led out from her room.

It was a warm night and the cool breeze dryed the sweat off her body. She hadn't noticed how humid it was in that house. Then she looked up to see the stars but instead she saw a grassy playing field that went on as far as the eye could see.

That can't be right! She told herself. Sab closed her eyes for a few minutes more and then opened them. She gulped. Below her was a galaxy of stars and a moon so huge it nearly took up the whole view.

She backed away slowly, afraid of what she did not understand, only to back into something. She turned to see what it was she bumped into and what she saw was a very attractive, sexy looking Adam.

He grinned. "Do not be afraid, our world is just a little different thats all it will be normal in the morning, when the others change. I trust Kurt told you of that matter?" He asked.

Sab nodded, then turned her head to the floor, blushing like crazy. "Yeah, uh...he also told me about tonight and how I was allowed to ask questions," she half asked.

He stared at her. Oh course she was allowed to ask questions. Why wouldn't she be? "Yes, and speaking of tonight, how do you say, we get going down there, huh?"

Sab smiled. He was so cute! "Only if you escort me!" Sab teased.

Adam frowned, "Well, if you insist!" He wrapped his arm around her waist and with great strength, pulled her over his shoulder.

"ADAM! Put me down!" Sab squeeled.

Everyone came running put of their rooms and chuckled at the site. All but one, who stood by his door with mock anger written all over his face. In her books she'd never been able to choose who it was she would love more. Who she would be with. This time Matt decided it would be him. Because in his books he loved her more than life itself, but so did Adam, only difference was... Adam almost always got her. He loved her here too. And he would be damned if he was going to let Adam win over the girl of his dreams...five times in a row!


That night all of Sab's questions were answered, she had a great time, and thought that everyone, especially Jeff and Chris, had an awesome sense of humor. Matt seemed cold to her though, and she didn't know why.


Sab sat on the couch downstairs, waiting. Waiting for the inevitable. They told her it was going to hurt them to have another soul sqeezed into their bodies. And she just couldn't sleep knowing they would wake her up with screams of pain.

*creek* Sab looked up from where she sat to see Jeff coming down the stairs. She smiled at him and he whispered, just to make sure no one woke up.

"Hey. What are you still doing up?" alarm seemed to seep into his voice.

"Oh, I'm fine Jeff. I just couldn't sleep thinking about the whole soul situation." She watched as he grimmaced, then frowned.

"Well, Sab. It won't hurt that much. And besides, we will be the same guys, just with more. More that you gave us," he whispered the last part into her ear before kissing her neck. This whole thing had been explained to her. She couldn't leave till she thought of an idea, and she couldn't leave till she fell in love. She was not allowed to disobey any sexual contact between the others, unless she really didn't want to. Like REALLY didn't want to.

Jeff pulled away. "I won't go any further tonight, you should not be rushed, just don't stick around Rob when he is in a bad mood, he may try to force you." Concern piqued his voice, and for the very first time, in a long, long time, she felt loved.

All of the sudden Jeff clutched his chest. He tumbled to the ground screaming. Sab was told not to interfere.

She knelt beside him as he screamed. Soon more gut wrenching screams filled the house, as one by one the 6 set off a dominoe type effect.

"Jeff..." she spoke, but he cut her off with a scream of pain, "AWAY! Go upstairs! NOW!" she wasn't used to being talked to in such a gruff manour, but she wouldn't yeild. She would stay with him, till it was over.

Jeff grabed his side, and it was almost like he was convulsing, "GO! Quickly! The soul is coming leave now! Go Sab! I don't want you to get hurt! AHHhhhhh!"

She saw it before she could respond, a rainbow light filled the room, seeping into Jeff. It wacked toward her and sent her flying into the hard-wood table. She hit her head, watching the peaceful colors before falling into a world of black. Falling. Falling.

Chapter 4
Chapter 2