Hey y’all, sorry it’s been along time since I got a column in, I’ve been pretty busy. Ok on with the column… I’d like to start off with the Edge/ Christian break up. We all know it’s coming, it’s so obvious. What I want to know is why is the WWF delaying it so much? Just get it over with! If you are going to break up them up, just do it and stop prolonging the agony! Edge vs. Christian at Unforgiven for the Intercontinental Championship?? Hmmmm… could happen. But what about Christian vs. Rock Monday on Raw? That is going to be a great match, but I can tell you know Christian won’t win. I’d love him to, but it just won’t happen. Guess we’ll have to wait until Monday to see what happens. Onto my other favorite tag team… the Hardy Boyz. Did anyone watch Excess? Showing the Hardys and Lita shopping was so cute. Matt and Jeff looked so great! Lita is beautiful, I don’t understand how someone can make anti sites and say she’s not! So is Jeff ok? After his fall 2 weeks ago on Smackdown we haven’t seen him and I hope he’s alright and will come back soon. What was with Ivory pulling a Tanya Harding on Lita? Wow, what a psycho! This Hurricane Helms guy is too much! I can’t help but laugh every time I see this guy. Does he actually think he’s a super hero? He’s great though! I wish Matt didn’t lose the European title to him though. Excess… was Tazz a complete prick or what?? He was an asshole to Coach and to Trish and was just plain annoying! Oh and I wanted to smack Trish! “Is Edge there? Can I talk to Edge?” Shut the f**k up Trish! You’re talking to the most talented and best looking superstar Christian and all you give a damn about is his brother! If I have to see Angle vs. Stone Cold again or Rock vs. Booker T. I will totally scream! I am so sick of the same matches over and over and I am so sick of this Alliance/ WWF angle! What was with Torrie and Tajiri? That was pretty funny. I don’t like Torrie at all! She can’t wrestle and she is so annoying! But that was funny with Tajiri. Stasiak and Stacy make a cute couple. That was so funny with Debra and getting the milk dumped all over her! Stasiak is such a moron! Anyways, that’s it for now. I’m out! *Star