Story of the Month

Award made by Paris

It has been a year since I last handed out a story of the month award and I have decided to bring it back!! Make sure you get me your nominations, feel free to nominate yourself!

**2001 WINNERS**

Story of the Month Winners-December 2001

Story of the Month Winners-October 2001

Is your fan fiction the best? Is it better then any other on the ‘net? Well, let’s see about that one! Nominate your story for the “Reeking of Niftisity Story of the Month” Please take a moment to read the rules, then get nominating!!

1. Must be wrestling related! (Obviously)

2. No slash. Plain and simple. (While on the subject-keep the sex to a minimal)

3. Must be complete. No stories that are not done will count.

4. Must be hosted on a site. It doesn’t have to be my site, but it has to be hosted on a wrestling related site, do not send me full stories. Of course you can submit your stories to me and then nominate them.

5. There will be 1 or 2 winners a month. If you do not win 1 month, feel free to nominate the same story the next month.

6. If you are nominating someone else’s story please give me their name and email address so I can let them know they have been nominated.

7. Submit as many of your completed stories as you like, just don’t nominate the same one over and over again.

8. Do no email me asking if it wins, you will be notified and sent the award. I will contact you telling you that I did receive the nomination.

9. Send me an email with the subject: story nominee: month (put the month in there)

10. Get nominating and we’ll have our October winner at the end of the month. My emails at the bottom! Have fun!

(Include in the email the address to the story, the title, the author, your name- if you aren’t the author- and if you are the author, if you would like me to send the award to you or the Webmaster/mistress of your site if you win. Thanks!)

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