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Breif History

Back in 1942 a man named Arrew Flagstaff created an idea. A revolutionary hospital that could treat the mentally sick. Arrew never knew how well his hospital did due to his suicide. We have been established as the leaidng mental health hospital in Washington since 1942. We have a long list of awards, and mail sent from the families of patients that have checked out saying how wonderfull or service is and how we have cured their loved one of any problem he/she ever had before. If that is not a good enough reason then come see us for yourself.

We love our patients

If your loved one is too out of control there are other options such ass the diturbed option we can transfer thme upstairs for no exta charge to you. There is also a few other options like electro shock therapy, and a lobotomy. The electro shock therapy is only for mild cases and it doesn't work on all pateints. Usually what we do is first send somone to get shock therapy. Then if that does not work we give them a lobotomy which have always been successfull, and work extremley well. We have had the sickest people get a lobotomy, and after the surgery they are acting under control and like a normal human.

We have a full time staff and there is also a night shift to keep an eye on things here at night. Our outdoor program has just recently grown emensley because of money that was given to us by the State of Washington. Our hospital time and time again has shown to be top notch, and of the best in Washington. We are committed like others in the hospital to give our best service possible and always give that type of service. We here at Amortize Clinic of the Insane love our patients.