Wills' Projects: Operating Systems
A Potted History
In the beginning was the bit; the word came much later. Eventually, I was born and introduced to the concept of home computing; that led to me switching to a DOS-based PC and studying for a Computer Science degree at the University of Leeds. I now hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, and have experience of a wide variety of operating systems.
These are my ramblings on the subject.
- STUBS, a suite of scripts for building toolchains and utilities ... and which now creates the linux boot disks for my laptop and old PCs.
- My FreeDOS floppy generator, 'wmfd'.
- "On Having Built Linux For a Small System", a talk given to WYLUG - and tcdev-0.6.5/tcdev-0.6.7, the software it mentions.
- My Beginner's VIm and GrUB boot loader tutorials.
- The Franki Experiment: my early experience of Linux
- Various linux micro-distributions, and some troubleshooting tips for when you're building your own.