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The Warhammer Inn

Elves Humans Dwarves at Work!

Have a Happy Winter!

Welcome to the Warhammer Inn, Where would you like to go today?

  • A Awesome Warhammer/40K Page!! Visit this!
  • The Awards Page!
  • The ArchBishop's Realm - It's Diablo!
  • Links to Other Places
  • Battle reports
  • The WHFB Player's List
  • Made Up Characters,and Regiments
  • Tactics For all races
  • The WHFB Chat PLACE!
  • Peoples Army's! Submit one
  • The Warhammer Inn's News Bulletin

    The Date Today is December 1st

    The High elf section will be updated today! Visit the Chat room please. I am expanding the Inn to have more high-tech and better stuff so please keep in touch and keep sending in idea's! Please tell your friends about the Inn! Guess what? The Inn has a new friend. The ArchBishop's Realm. So for all you Diablo fan's out there, have fun! My page has gotten a many new awards! As you know my tactics have een delayed, please look at the high elven tactics so I can get a idea of what to do! So Please Keep making it cooler and send ideas in. Sign up for the Guess What WE GOT A CHATROOM!

    But the Newest thing Is that I'm Starting a Most Populaur Race Poll. And To join Mail Me! What is your Favoritte race and that's It.

    Please Vote for my page here!

    Contact a Player!

    I started this today on Thanksgiving. The reason I started it is
    Everyone wanted to talk to other players of the same race or just chat
    Or just play eachother. The page will be made once I get a lot
    Of people willing to join.

    This is what you need to do to Join! Everthing is optional
    Send the Following to ME!
    1. Your Name
    2. Your E-mail
    3. The race(s) you play
    4. What state you live in
    5. Your Age
    6. Playing Level Bad, Good ect...
    7. Anything else you request

    Tactics for some races

    • High Elf Tactics and more

      Join The Warhammer Inn's mailing list!

      My mailing list won't have as many as the other majordomo one where you get TOO much mail. I want to have fun and talk about things. I don't care if you advertise your page not too much though and I would like it to keep Game releated.

      To Join E-mail Max the keeper of the Warhammer inn saying that I want to join the mailing list. The mailing list will start small and grow big eventually bellow for you convience is the amount of people who have joined.


      Bookmark this Page NOW!!!!!!

      What is the Best Warhammer Fantasy Race?

      11 People Dwarves
      10 People High Elf
      7 People Lizardmen
      7 People Skaven
      6 People Orcs And Goblins
      6 People Chaos
      5 People Brettonians
      4 People Wood Elf
      3 People Dark Elf
      2 People Empire
      1 Person Chaos Dwarf
      1 Person Undead

      We've Only Had 63 People Sign Up and I'd like Way more so you Sign up to yes you!

    If you would like to comment On this page do so! If you have any ideas to give for this wepbage then tell me.

    Max the Keeper of the Warhamer Inn

    Please Sign My Guestbook Please View My Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage

    This Page was built September 20th 1997 and last updated December 1st

