The newest "bad-guy" on General Hospital belongs to the fantasically interesting Massi Furlan. Massi was born near Venice, Italy. He's been in the Italian military flying helicopters and even flew the Pope on one mission! Listed on IMDB as "Giovanni The Balkan" we'll find out more about his character later this week.
How in the world did he end up state-side on GH?!

Wub Queen: Thank you for answering some questions for all the Wubs fans. How did you end up on General Hospital?
Massi Furlan: I got the part thank to Gwen Hillier the casting director of the show. She has been the CD for many many years. She actually saw my demo reel somewhere and called my agent and ask if I could go in for a meeting. Gwen was absolutely wonderful I will never forget her.
WQ: Have you been on other Daytime Soaps?
MF: Yes. I played a French Thug in "Days of Our Lives", I auditioned for the role of Claude, but I was told I was too good looking for that part ( who cares about that, I rather be ugly and get the part ) so they had me go back and read for the French bad guy.
WQ: What part of Italy are you from?
MF: Treviso, which is a wonderful town near Venice.
WQ: I read you did comedy in Italy? What kind?
MF: was doing stand up comedy in various clubs, my show was based on impersonate other celebrities voices. My show was very straight forward and as you can imagine I was getting in trouble pretty often for what I was saying!!
WQ: So, what made you move to the States?
MF: I moved to United States because of my brother Christian. He was a successful chef in one of the best Italian restaurants in Miami Beach.
WQ: How was your experience working on General Hospital??
MF: It has been a wonderful experience, I'm always grateful to be able to work in different sets and see different ways to work. Soap operas have a very fast schedule, there is not much time for errors, we move on to the next scene pretty quick.
WQ: Can you tell us a bit more about your story? Where it's going?
MF: I can't really answer this question, but I suggest to watch the episode on Sept 24th.
WQ: Oh, geesh!!! That's Friday, I might have to update this!! Are you sure you can't share a hint?
MF: Well as you probably saw in the first few episodes, I play a not very skilled bad guy, since I failed already few times to kidnap Brenda. I can only tell you that things will change soon.
A little hint is, that I should have probably done this interview after the 24th. Oooops !
WQ: Well, tell us about your other projects then.
MF:I have a feature film I should start shooting at the end of October, the title is no settled yet.
I'm trying to get in the new NBC show "Undercovers" and I hope to be in it very soon.
Couple of other projects should be on the way very soon, two films with the collaboration of wonderful actors such as Kevin Bacon, Danny Trejo, Charlie Sheen.
WQ: Thank you so much for this!! We are anxiously awaiting the 24th!! You can find Massi on Twitter under @massi_bos. He also has a great fan page on Facebook.
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