Exclusive!! We can bring you this news today April 1st: Robert Guza Jr. is OUT as Headwriter for the ABC's Daytime Soap General Hospital starting on May 1st. In a surprise move, Daytime exec. Brian Frons has hired recent Columbia writing graduate, James Franco to fill his shoes. "We have every confidence that James will deliver" Said Fronz "He was amazing acting on the show, we can only imagine his what great and huge things his writing will bring"...
Robert Guza has been scribing for GH since 1993 when he brought the popular couple Luke and Laura back on canvas. He's won multiple emmys and is very fond of the whole cast. Guza was not able to be reached for comment. Actor Steve Burton seemed shocked "Bob and I just shared a glass of Acai Berry yesterday" he told us while on set. "I will miss him".
Franco has made many surprising moves in his career lately guest starring on "30 Rock" and enrolling in the PhD Program at Princeton. He will be starring in the movie 127 Hours but will have time to write his agent says. "James can do many things if he puts his mind to it".
It's been said in insider circles that Franco plans on bringing a more Gothic feel to the daytime drama. "He likes death and electricity" and "would love to showcase his art" a source says. His first story arc will involve a wayward Englishman looking to start his first labratory. "Port Charles seems like the perfect place".
Look for more on FOXX radio at 3pm, Sirrus News Channel 223. reporting for Foxx and Net2: B Lamp/cowrite2010 reprint with permission