Microsoft NETSHOW!!
Incase you might need it it is....
Malificent's Movie Sound Links
If you are looking for movie sounds this is a great place to start. Please bookmark this page and visit often!
If you know of any links that should definitely be here or if any of the links are outdated please let me know!
If you need a file in .wav format and it is only available in .au, try downloading Goldwave. This will make all conversions very easy.
If you are unable to read a file, it might be because you need Netshow by Microsoft, you can get it from the link on the left.

And now...On to the Sounds! I hope you find what you're looking for!
Music and Sound Download Sites
- Movie Sounds
- Many many sounds....Here are but a few of the titles you will find here: Apollo 13, Austin Powers, Face/OFF, Forrest Gump, Fifth Element, Princess Bride, Jerry McGuire, Breakfast Club....
- Geordie and Jeremy's Movie Sound PageA cool site with some nice sounds...Apocalypse Now, Animal House, Billy Madison, James Bond, Caddyshack, Casablanca, Clerks, Clint Eastwood, Clue, Die Hard, The Fugitive, Full Metal Jacket, Ghostbusters, Goodfellas, Grumpy Old Men, Indiana Jones, Monty Python, The Princess Bride, Pulp Fiction, Spaceballs, The Star WarsTrilogy, Tommy Boy, Zucker Brothers Films, Other Movie and TV Sounds. Funny descriptions.
- TV Theme Songs
- Finally a page with TONS of terrific tv theme songs! They have The Muppets, Happy Days, Scooby Doo, Pink Panther, Mr. Ed, Knight Rider, Hawaii 50, Gilligan, Bewitched, Seinfeld, Spider Man, James Bond, DS9, and much, MUCH more!!!!!!
- Movie Wavs
 - Cartoons, Movies, TV Shows, Sound Tracks, you can find sounds from Scream, The Saint, and others.
- The Wav Emporium
- Ren and Stimpy, Cheech and Chong, Spaceballs, Bad Boys, Austin Power, Beavis and Butt Head, The Three Stooges, etc. Also "Absolutely Hillarious" Wavs, of which parental discretion is advised.
- Star Wars
- Downloadable sound quotes from the Star Wars Movies....
- Scarface
- Brendans Sound Page
- Includes sounds from South Park, Seinfeld, Eraser, Full Metal Jacket, Ace Ventura..
Sound America-over 23,000 sounds!
- Excellent resource for movie and televison sounds! Also includes a Frequently Asked Question section for sound downloads, and a utility download section.

Looney Toons Wavs (from The Wav Emporium)
- Warps Music Page
- Excellentquality Midi files from music artists like REM, Nirvana, U2, Erasure, No Doubt, Dire Straights, etc. As well as some theme songs from movies such as Mission Impossible , X Files, Top Gun, James Bond, and Rocky.
- Geek-Girl Links
- All kinds of audio (Jerky Boys, tv shows, music group pages and songs, commercials, presidential debates, etc... You get the idea.)
- If you love'll love this! An extremely complete site.
Movie and Entertainment Sounds Site is updated regularly, please bookmark and check back often!
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The Doorway
The Search Page If you still have not found what you are looking for, then check here!
Thanks For Visiting!!!
Last Updated March 29, 1999
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