The Living Room - BtVS Character Information


"Buffy" - Sarah Michelle Gellar

"Buffy Summers" was born in 1981 to now divoriced Joyce and Hank Summers. Buffy attended Hemery High School is Los Angeles where she grew up, and it was there that she learned her destiny. It was her former watcher, Merrick, who told her she was the Slayer. After her parent's divorce, Buffy and her mother moved to Sunnydale and Buffy enrolled as a sphomore at Sunnydale High School.

Buffy has increased strength, stamina, and agility since she is the Slayer. She is also a skilled ice skater, has prophetic dreams, and should be able to sense vampires. Her only known successful relationship was with Angel, but that ended badly, too. ("Surprise/Innocence")

Buffy has killed the master, prevented Hell from opening onto Earth.....and Spike and Dru???? Buffy made a deal with Spike to leave Sunnydale, but he just couldn't stay away.

"Angelus" - David Boreanaz

Angelus was born in the early 1700's in Ireland. On one drunken occassion, Angelus met Darla, who turned him into a vampire. In 1860 in England, he turned a young girl named Drusilla into a vampire, but not before killing her family and driving her insane. It was in Romania in 1898 that Angelus killed the favorite daughter of a Romany tribe, thereafter being cursed by the tribe's elders. They restored his soul to him (vampires ARE soul-less), forcing him to live in constant pain as a reminder of the terrible acts he had done without a soul. He shortened his name to Angel, and lived on the streets of New York untilthe 1990s when a demon named Whistler found him. Whistler took Angel to Sunndale to help the new Slayer, Buffy. He proved to be incredibly useful in the battle against the Hellmouth. However, the curse was lifted and Angel reverted back to his old self, creating havoc for Buffy and her friends until Willow re-cast the spell. However, Buffy had to send him to Hell to prevent a vortex from opening and sucking the world inside it. In season three, Angel does return to Earth as his souled-self. He and Buffy are in the midst of working out their problems.

The rest of the Characters have Fact Files

"Xander Harris" - Nicholas Brendon

- Best friends with Willow - Best friends with Jesse, until Jesse became a vampire - Parents can't cook - Willow tutors him - Wants to date Buffy - Cordelia found him kissing Willow and broke up with him

"Willow Rosenberg" - Alyson Hannigan

- Best friends with Xander - Dating Oz - Excellent computer hacker - Chosen to substiture teach Ms. Calendar's classes - Wants to date Xander, who had begun to finally notice her

"Cordelia Chase" - Charisma Carpenter

-Snobby, popular, fashion-conscious, mostly self-centered -Head Cheerleader - Often helps Buffy, Willow, and Xander battle evil - broke up with Xander after she found him kissing Willow - insults Xander, Buffy, and Willow as often as possible

"Oz" - Seth Green

- Dating Willow - Received to many INC to graduate, had to repeat Senior year of High School - Plays guitar in a band - Was bitten by cousin and became a werewolf

"Giles" - Anthony Stewart Head

- Buffy's watcher - school librarian - Helps Buffy train - researches prophecies and anything else that might help Buffy - not on good terms with the school princepal - Dated Jenny Calendar before she was killed by Angelus

"Spike" - James Marsters

-Vampire - Real name is William the Bloody - Terrorized Europe for many years - Used to date Drusilla, but she left him - promised Buffy he'd leave Sunnydale, but came back because Drusilla left him

"Drusilla" - Juliet Landau

-Vampire - Angelus drove her insane, then turned her into a vampire - was dating Spike, until Spike made a deal with Buffy - left Spike

Info taken from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Watchers Guide" Copyright 1998

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