Here's the link to my Home Page which is NEW so visit it!!(it's lonely)
This page will contain the secret information given to an FBI agent through government sources. I will also have pictures, quizes, episode polls, sound waves, updated XF facts, and much,much more for you to discover as you investigate this web page. Good Luck and always remember: THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE.... Please come back again!
-Squeeze 9/24/93
Check out my OTHER voting booth and you can vote who favorite villian is!!!
The X-Files Official Web Site (for the geniuses)
The Gossamer Project : X-Files Fan Fiction Archive (gotta love these guys!)
Agent Pienza's X-Files Page (my other page)
Jenny's X-Files (love this page!!!)
Relationship Episode Guide (great for shippers like me)
AV's X-Files Site!
Fox and Dana's Wedding (anyother creative shipper site)
David Duchovny's Home Page (for all you Mulder-lovers)
Squirrel's Nest (everyone loves it here)
The PA X-Files Homepage (another very creative looking site)
I just wanted to add a few things that keep me happy other than X-FILES :
The Green Tea Headquarters(my favorite while Xfiles is on)
One of my favorite Dave Matthew's Band Web Pages
PLANET KILMER : The best VAL site on the internet
The Creator
Thanks you guys!!!