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Fred the Reloader Page 2

Links to my Pages, Pictures and Favorite Subjects. I do make many change and revise as I can spare the time. Visit often for updates.

My Favorite Web sites

Home To Page One Index
1. The .25 Mini Hunter Wildcat and Spotter Bakup.
3.The 22 Varminter my first Varmint rifle.
4. Fireform with Cream of Wheat.
5. Calculate Recoil with this Formula.
.6. Calculate Octagon barrel weight and Shape.
7.300 Wby Magnum. Notes on Stock and Recoil.
8. Case Neck and Shoulder annealing for Wildcats.
9. Barometer for Hunting and Fishing.
10. Hand made 23oz LV BR Stock . Still problems with images.
11. Rehab of a Ruger #1 in 25-06 Better pictures to follow.Revised July 1/05
12. Tweaking the H&R Ultra for accuracy.
13. H&R Ultra 257 Roberts Conversion. Updated May2/05
14. Accurize an H&R Handi Rifle. July24/05
15.Easy unwanted gap removal for the Handi rifle.Aug.18/05 and firing pin improvement.Aug2/10.
16. H&RUltra New 6x47(222 Rem Mag) Light Varminter.
17. Ruger #3 upgraded and repaired.
18. Ruger#1A Conversion from 243WIN to 7x57.
19. Ruger#1 Conversion from 243 Wim. to 6.5x284

Last update July 22/08 Ruger 1A and Ruger #3 refurbish added.

added 6x47 LV Jan 20/06

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!I ran out of space on page # 1. I will add some other shooters comments with their permission.

If you have any interesting subjects I am glad to include them in these pages. Note my new E-mail

This page is under continous construction.

Latest update Jan3/09 on Ruger #1 in 7x57

Last update Aug 29/2009 added 6.5x284 unforunatly I could not add pictures since I exausted my free web site space of 20mb. Sorry, I may delete some articles to free some web space, since I don't want too pay $50.00 per year for more web space.
