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Thank You Mother For Teaching Me

To Lift My Heart In Praise

Filling My Spirit With Gladness

For Blessings Of The Beauty Way.

You Have Taught Me How To Sing

How To Rejoice, Dance And Drum

And How To Sing My Gratitude

For the Abundance that Will Come.

You Have Shown Me The Magic

Of A Change In Mind And Heart

An Attitude Made Of Wisdom

That Celebration of Life Imparts.

I Sing The Truth Of Thankfulness

When I Greet Grandfather Sun

Then Send My Love To Mother Earth

For The Life Force That Makes Us One.

(Jamie Sams)


To Bring Back The natural Harmony That Humans Once Enjoyed

To Save The Planet From Present Practices Of Destruction

To Find And Re-Employ Real Truth

To Promote True Balance Between Both Genders

To Share And Be Less Materialistic

To Become Rid Of Prejudice

To Learn To Be Related

To Be Kind To Animals And Take No More Than We Need

To Lay With One's Children And Love Each Equally And Fairly

To Be Brave, And Corageous, To Take A Stand And Make a Commitment

To Understand What Generations Unborn Really Means

To Accept The Great Mystery In Order To End Foolish Arguments

Over Religion.

(Ed Mcgaa, Eagle Man)

Visions are an important part of native American Life. When a man or woman has a recurring dream....waking or sleeping...he or she is thought to be receiving messages from the spirit world. The person then discusses the vision with the community's spiritual leaders and goes on a "Vision Quest", which includes retreating to an isolated spot, fasting and praying for guidance. The person is sometimes visited by a bear, buffalo, eagle, wolf or hawk that turns into human form and explains the responsibilities of the vision, what the person should do to perform it and why he or she was chosen.

If All The Beasts Were Gone,

Men Would Die From Lonliness Of Spirit.

Since Whatever Happens To The Beast

Also Happens To Man.

All Things Are Connected.

Whatever Befalls The Earth

Befalls The Sons Of The Earth.

(Chief Seattle)

Simply Exclusive (c)

Simply Paint Horses

May You Always Walk....With peace And Love!

May You Always See...The good That Shines From Within One's Heart...Shayna

© 1998 Shayna is the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page You will see my name in flames displayed beneath each original piece.NOTE: These original writings are copyrighted and they may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form without the author's expressed and written consent.You may not circulate them or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or place a link to this web page (let me know so I may visit you)or get expressed and written permission from the author. Thank you.......Shayna

6/21/99 Once again, you have
outdone yourself on a very
inspirational site. I am also a
Native American and this award
is for the Heritage Award.
This is a special award that Marie
takes alot of pride in.

Sctishldy's Home page

Designs by Sacred Wolf Dream

Silverhawk's Graphics


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to all my pages.....Enjoy...:)

Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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