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Medicine Wheel

Hold On To What Is Good

Even If It Is A Handful Of Dirt.

Hold Onto What You Believe

Even If It Is A Tree That Stands by


Hold On To What You Must Do

Even If It Is A Long Way From Here.

................Hold Onto Life.............

Even If It Is Easier To Let Go.

........Hold Onto My Hand........

Even If I Have Gone Away From You

................(Pueblo Blessing).................

(Lee Bogle)

Those who walk together are like the

Twin Medicine Lakes. They are two

Mirrors. She-wolf is hungry for

Buffalo, and Buffalo hungers to give

away to She-wolf. They both give in

............this manner.................

It is a way of understanding. It is the

the perfect circle. It is a way for all

people to come together in brotherhood.

Wolves with rabbits, birds, mice

and weasels.All are beautiful and all

are equal in the great give away

dance.This Dance is the Sundance.

There we learn of our perceiving,

and also of the ways of our Brothers

and Sisters. This brotherhood is found

among all the tongues of the people.

The most powerful sign of these things

is the understanding of the Medicines.

Whenever you hear a story, all the

names you hear within, are signs.

these signs are of the medicine wheel

and its growing.............Each one is

part of the universe............

Each one is Sweet medicine.......


The circle of the medicine wheel

represents all the people, animals,

rocks, rivers and religions in the

entire universe, Each part of the circle

is connected to all other parts. The

philosophy or ways of perceiving life

focuses on gaining understanding of

yourself, of your fellow human beings,

of the natural wonders of the world,

and of your place in that world. The

way to achieve the understanding is to

experience all life as part of the circle

of the Medicine Wheel. All people and

creatures are equally important in this

perfect circle of understanding, growth

and connectedness. Like the Medicine

Wheel which represents life itself,

learning is a continuous, everchanging

.............process of growth..............

When we are in a circle around the

wheel, we listen

whomever is sharing. Given all the

understanding, the Medicine Wheel is

a place of great joy and a light-hearted

state should prevail. Dance and sing

and laugh and tell stories...........

Share friendship and the Love of Life!

(Tapestry and Native American History)

Grandfather Spirit has filled this

universe with powers...powers to use-

for good, not for bad. We only have

to suffer this power to enter into us..

to fill us....not to resist it.........

(Penni Ann Cross)

Some of our medicine men always say that

one must view the world through the eye in

one's heart rather than just trust the eye in

one's head. "Look at the real reality beneath

the sham realities of things and gadgets.

Look throught the eye in your heart"

You are my "teacher" and "Pathfinder"

Peace and Love........


Please accept the attached award from me,

in appreciation of your beautiful

and inspirational site....SacredWolfDream


Designs by Sacred Wolf Dream

Silverhawk's Graphics

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to all my pages.....Enjoy...:)

Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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and ideas with me.....

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