I Seek To Find The Special Place
Within My Heart And Mind
Which House The Gifts...
Of Strength And Inner Peace
I Search At Times To Find
The Connection I Feel
Is Extremely Strong..And Very Real
I Thirst To Study The Elders' Words
As What..To Me..They Will Reveal.
I Must Walk This Path Alone
And Will Not Stop To Rest
Until My Journey Is Done..
And There Is Peace In My Heart
I Will Continue My Vision Quest.
An original.....by Shayna
There I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and
round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And,
while I stood there, I saw more than I can tell and I understood
more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner, the
shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as
they must live together like one being.
And I say, the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many
hoops that made one circle...wide as daylight and as starlight.
And in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all
the children of one mother and father. And I saw
that it was holy. But anywhere...
is the center of the world.
Grandfather Great Spirit All Over The World
The Faces Of Living Things Are Alike.
With Tenderness, They Have Come Up Out Of The Ground.
Look Upon Your Children That They May Face The Winds
And Walk The Good Road To The Day Of Quiet.
Grandfather Great Spirit
Fill Us With The Light.
Give Us The Strength To Understand
And The Eyes To See.
Teach Us To Walk The Soft Earth As Relatives
To All That Live.
~Sioux Prayer~
The first peace, which is the most important,
is that which comes from within the souls of people
when they realize that their relationship...
Their oneness with the universe and all its powers,
and when they realize that at the center of the universe,
dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center
is really everywhere...
For, It is within each of us.
There are many things to be shared with the Four Colors of
Humanity in our common destiny as one...
with our Mother Earth. It is this sharing that must be
considered with great care by the Elders and the
medicine people who carry the Sacred Trusts, so that no harm
may come to people through ignorance and misuse of these
powerful forces.
In early days we were close to nature. We judged time,
weather conditions, and many things by the elements-the
good earth, the blue sky, the flying of geese, and the changing
winds. We looked to these for guidance and answers. Our
prayers and thanksgiving were said to the four winds-to the
East, from whence the new day was born; to the South, which
sent the warm breeze which gave a feeling of comfort; to the
West, which ended the day and brought rest; and to the North,
the Mother of winter whose sharp air awakened a time of
preparation for the long days ahead. We lived by God's hand
through nature and evaluated the changing winds to tell us
or warn us as to what was ahead. Today we are again
evaluating the changing winds.
May we be strong in spirit and equal to our Fathers of another
day in reading the signs accurately and interpreting them
wisely. May Wah-Kon-Tah, the Great Spirit, look down upon us,
guide us, inspire us and give us courage and wisdom. Above
all, may he look down upon us and be pleased.
I wish you wonderful dreams....each night.....
and may you always have peace, warmth and love in your heart.
The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul!
A Must See Page!!!
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Shayna's Pages Created With Love
Please share your thoughts, feelings and ideas with me......
Please e-mail me at Shaniame@aol.com
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