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The Question is not whether the things that

happen to you are chance things or God's

things because, of course, they are both at once.

He speaks, I believe, and the words he speaks

are incarnate in the flesh and blood of ourselves

and of our own footsore and "Sacred Journeys"

Frederick Buechner(in Sacred Journey)

Too often we mourn the passing of an elder

generation, believing that they are the

authorities in defining how we should live

our lives, and not understanding, that as we

respond to them, we both define Reality for

the next generation and act as a filter to bring

forward the best of the tradition while

leaving behind the shortcomings in making

it a Reality.



My wish for the younger generation is to see

them carry on the traditional form of

government, our Lakota language, spirituality

and ceremonial songs. Our language is

important because when we say God in Lakota -

Wakan Tanka - it means everything holy.

the whole universe is holy.

Royal Bull Bear(Taninyan Opi)

When I do the Sun Dance , I don't seek answers.

When I fast upon the hill, I don't seek visions.

I do these things with a decision already made.

I go up on the hill, I sundance, asking for help

with that decision.

The vision that you seek on the whats

inside of you. Because before you resolve your

problems, you have to resolve your weaknesses.

And, by the time you finish resolving your

weaknesses, alot of times your prayers are


Albert White Hat(Netan Tokahe)

Its all our turn to become responsible

ancestors. We are the ancestors of those yet

unborn. Now we have to make a path for at

least seven generations, for the year 2100.

We have to look that far ahead to make sure

that our people, our descendants, will be

sitting around a hundred years from now

with something they are proud of because

they have a culture, a language, their songs.

They have their land, the Sacred Grandmother

Of the Earth.

Russell Means(Wacinyapi)

I see people having so many things in life,

and their lives are empty because everything

they have is outside of them. They buy all

these posessions to make life complete and its

nothing...because life begins and ends

in the spirit INSIDE us.

Floyd Westerman(KanjiSka)Red Crow

East of my grandmother's house

the sun rises out of the plain.

Once in his life, a man ought to

concentrate his mind ...

upon the remembered earth, I believe.

He ought to give himself up

to a particular landscape

in his experience...

to look at it

from as many angles as he can.

to wonder about it...

to dwell upon it....

He ought to imagine

that he touches it

with his hands at every season ...

and listens to the sounds

that are made upon it.

He ought to imagine

the creatures there...

and all the faintest motions

of the wind.

He ought to recollect

the glare of noon ...

and all the colors

of the dawn and dusk.


"Always Look With The Eye Of The Heart"

The Wild Wolf Adventure


Thank you to Mother Earth, to water, grass, fruits, to

the wind and rain, sun , moom and the stars , to the

spirit protectors of our past and present for showing

us ways to live in peace and harmony and to the great

spirit giver of all.

In God's eyes.....we are all the same...:)

May You Always Walk With Peace And Love

And See The Good In People

That Shines From Inside The Heart....

The Earth Proclamation

We are One people...

We share One planet...

We have One common dream...

We want to live in peace..

.We choose to protect and heal the Earth...

We decide to create a better world for all...

We will do our best to make that dream come true...

We will change what needs to be changed...

We will learn, to love, share and forgive...

We are One people, we want to live and we will.

Personal Commitment

I, the undersigned,

aware that human activities are seriously

endangering the fragile ecosystems

of our planet,

aware of the widening gap

between the haves and the have-nots,

aware of the need to redirect my energies

to protect and restore the global Web of Life,

decide to begin right now

to rethink my ways and values,

and change what needs to be changed

in myself and around me.

I want the year 2000 ­

a symbol for a New Beginning ­

to be the turning point

in the local and global efforts

now underway to create a better world

based on equality, justice...

and a sustainable planet ­

a world in which Peace on Earth prevails.

Understanding that we are

all individually responsible

for the kind of future

we will create for our children

and for countless generations to come,

I will participate in initiatives,

locally and globally,

to transform our world

and protect this Jewel of Life we call Earth.

I agree with this Earth Proclamation

and personally commit myself

to do all that I can

to spread it throughout the world

and help make our shared dream

of Peace, Love and Harmony

on Earth come true.

Shayna Signed on the 28th of November1998

A Must See Page by Tempest!!!Kindred Spirit

The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul!

Designs by Sacred Wolf Dream

Silverhawk's Graphics

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to all my pages.....Enjoy...:)

Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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