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Uday Vaidya's Home Page

Uday K. Vaidya, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Birmingham, AL 35216
Phone No: 205-934-9199
Fax No:205-934-8485

Hello World!!! It is nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my home page. I am a mechanical/materials engineer by profession. Please view my professional interests and communicate with me for any further information.

Here's something interesting....
Composite Materials and Structures - Education Module

Teaching Interests

Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, Composite Materials, Commodity and Engineering PLASTICS/POLYMERS, Materials Processing, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Experimental Stress Analysis, Mechanical Design, Computer-Aided Design and Analysis (Pro/E, AutoCAD, ANSYS, DYNA-3D), Advanced Solid Modeling with Pro/Engineer, Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, Materials Science, Manufacturing Processes, Numerical Methods and related courses in mechanical engineering.

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, - Product Realization Consortium to develop instructional modules

Faculty Advisor for SAMPE Student Chapter

Teaching involvement in various capacities for summer programs such as FASTREC, MITE, RADHS, RAPS, SECME and SATURDAY ACADEMY to enrich high schoolers and pre-college students

Research Interests
Major areas of research pursuit include - Processing/Manufacturing, Performance Evaluation, Modeling and NDE of Advanced Materials

Low Cost/Affordable Manufacturing of Composites - Resin Transfer Molding, Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Molding, Resin Film Infusion, Extrusion/Compression Molding of Thermoplastics and Intelligent Processing of Advanced Composites

Research Issues in Polymeric (thermoset and thermoplastics), Carbon-Carbon and Ceramic Composites

Low Velocity, Ballistic and High Strain Rate Impact Response of Advanced Materials

Damage Tolerant Designs for Thick-Section, Laminated, Integrated and Sandwich Composites

Ultrasonic, Vibration, Acoustic Emission, Acousto-Ultrasonic and Acoustic Impact Nondestructive Evaluation/Characterization

Dielectric and DC-based SMARTweave sensing - cure and flow monitoring methodologies

Solid Modeling, Mold Designs, Parts and Assembly Design / Analysis using Pro/E & Pro/Mechanica

Engineering Thermoplastics, Polymers, Simulation of Compression Molded Thermoplastics

Autoclave Molding, Vacuum Bag Molding, Filament Winding, Hand lay-up and associated processing/composite processing / development

Finite Element Modeling using ANSYS, DYNA-3D, Hypermesh and PATRAN as tools

Design and Development of Innovative Structural, Multi-Functional and Affordable Materials

Design, Development and Testing/Analysis of Parts, Components and Products for Aerospace, Marine, Military, Transportation and Applications using Advanced Materials

Students in action....
Composite Snowboard

Composite Swampbuggy

Research Projects
Damage Tolerance of Resin Transfer Molded Sandwich Constructions,
Wright Patterson Air Force Laboratories, Flight Dynamics Directorate

Survivability of Affordable Composite Aircraft Structures,
Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Impact Damage Detection in Composite Structures,
U.S.Army Missile Command

Ballistic Response of Polycarbonate Backed Composite Laminates,
U.S.Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory

Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Molding of Curved Composite Structures,
U.S. Army, Aviation and Missile Command

Resin Transfer Molding for High Performance Ballistic Composites,
Boeing/McDonnel Douglas

Intelligent Resin Transfer Molding for Integral Armor Applications,
U.S.Army Research Office

Rib Compaction of Isogrid Structures, Lockheed Martin

Advanced Sandwich Composites for Sea Structures, Office of Naval Research (ONR)

Smart Materials for Transport Control, NSF-EPSCoR

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, NSF - Product Realization Consortium,
National Science Foundation

Innovative Manufacturing of High Performance Matterials using Resin Transfer and Resin Infusion Molding,National Science Foundation - CREST

Representative Publications

(Over 30 Publications in Refereed Journals, and 100+ International Conferences, Edited 2 conference proceeding books, 25+ Technical Reports)

Low Velocity Impact Response of Cross-Ply Laminated Sandwich Composites With Hollow And Foam Filled Z-Pin Reinforced Core, U.K. Vaidya, M.V. Kamath, M.V. Hosur, H. Mahfuz, and S. Jeelani, Journal of Composites Technology and Research, JCTRER, Vol. 21, No.2, April 1999, pp. 84-97.

High Strain Rate Impact Response Evaluation of Sandwich Cores & their Composites, U.K.Vaidya and P.K.Mohan, Journal of Sandwich Materials & Structures, Submitted June 1999.

Low Velocity Impact Damage Characteristics of Z- Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Panels - An Experimental Study; A. Palazotto (AFIT), L.N.B.Gummadi, U.K. Vaidya and E. Herup, Composite Structures, Volume : 43, Issue : 4, Feb 1999, pp. 275-288.

Assessment of Flow and Cure Monitoring using Direct Current and Alternating Sensing In Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Molding Process, , N. Jadhav, U.K. Vaidya and M.V.Hosur – Tuskegee University, J. Gillespie (University of Delaware) and B.K.Fink (Army Research Office), ASME IMECE 99, November 99, Nashville, Tennessee.

Influence of Stitching on the High Strain Rate Response of Plain Weave S2-Glass Composites with Vinyl Ester and Epoxy Matrix Systems; U.K.Vaidya and N. Jadhav, (Tuskegee Univ.), J.Gillespie, (University of Delaware - Center for Composite Materials), American Society for Composites, Dayton, OH, October 1999.

Low Velocity Impact Characterization of Unreinforced Vinyl Ester 350 and C50 Resin Systems used in Low Cost Resin Transfer Molding, Liquid M.Motuku, G. M. Janowski (UAB), U. K. Vaidya, H. Mahfuz and S. Jeelani., Polymers and Polymer Composites, (In Press).

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly of Advanced Composites, U.K. Vaidya and P.K.Ray, Proceedings 11th Canadian Conference on Engineering Education, pp. 218-223, July 5-7, 1998, Halifax, Canada.

Hybridized Resin Matrix Approach Applied for Development of Carbon/Carbon Composites : Part - I, H.M.Gajiwala, U.K.Vaidya, S.A.Sodah and S.Jeelani, Carbon , Vol. 36, No.7-8, pp.903-912, 1998.

Integrated and Multi-Functional Thick Section and Sandwich Composite Materials and Structures; U.K. Vaidya, SPIE-99 (Invited Talk), July 7-10, 1999, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

NDE of Structural and Functional Carbon-Carbon Composites after First Carbonization., U.K.Vaidya, H.Mahfuz and S. Jeelani, Journal of Advanced Materials, Vol.26, No.2, January 1995, pp.41-47.

Finite Element Modeling and Photelastic Analysis of an Integral Armor Under Flexural Loading, H.Mahfuz, B. R. Lokesh, P.S.Das, U.K.Vaidya, and S.Jeelani, ASME International Congress of Mechanical Engineering and Exposition, pp. 235-242, NCA-Vol. 24, Proceedings of the ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, Vibroacoustic Methods in Processing and Characterization of Advanced Materials and Structures, Edited by : V. Dayal, U.K. Vaidya and R. Mantena, 1997

High Strain Rate Response of Polycarbonate Backed Composite Laminates, U.K. Vaidya, A. Haque, M.V.Hosur, M. Kulkarni, A. Mayer (AFRL) and P. Dutta (CRREL), International Conference on Advanced Composites, Hurghuda, Egypt, December 1998, pp. 3-16, Edited by Y. Gowayed and F. Abdel-Hady.

Impact Response of Sandwich Composites with Integrated Hollow Core, U.K. Vaidya et al, International Conference on Advanced Composites, Hurghuda, Egypt, December 1998, pp. 215-226, Edited by Y. Gowayed and F. Abdel-Hady.

NDE of Sandwich and Hybrid Carbon/Carbon Composites, U.K.Vaidya, H.Mahfuz and S. Jeelani, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.15, No.10, Oct.1996, pp.988-1010.

Nondestructive Evaluation of Microfiber Modified Reinforced Graphite/Phenolic and Carbon/Carbon Textile Composites, U.K.Vaidya, P.E.Dadzie, A.Haque, H.Mahfuz, and S.Jeelani, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vo. 16, No.11, pp.968-1001, 1997.

Response of SiC/Si3N4 Composites under Static and Cyclid Loading - An Experimental and Statistical Analysis, H.Mahfuz, M.Maniruzzaman, U.K.Vaidya, T. Brown and S.Jeelani, Transcations of ASME - Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, April 1997, pp.186-193.

Low Velocity Impact Damage Characterization of Z-Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Panels - An Experimental Study, A.Palazotto (AFIT), L.Gummadi, U.K.Vaidya and E.Herup, 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, April 07-10, 1997.

Manufacturing and Low Velocity Impact Response of Innovative Resin Infused Sandwich Composites, U.K.Vaidya, M.V.Kamath, H.Mahfuz and S.Jeelani, 29th International SAMPE Technical Conference, Oct 29-Nov.1, 1997, The Coronado Springs Resort, Disney World, Florida, Vol.29, pp. 713-724. Green, Beckwith & Strong Editors.

Manufacturing of Composite Integral Armor for Ballistic Application, U.K.Vaidya K.Fotedar, A.Abraham, A.Haque, H.Mahfuz and S.Jeelani, 29th International SAMPE Technical Conference, Oct 29-Nov.1, 1997, The Coronado Springs Resort, Disney World, Florida, Vol.29, pp. 523-531. Green, Beckwith & Strong Editors.

Low Velocity Impact Response of Unconventional Sandwich Composites, U.K.Vaidya, M.V. Kamath, H.Mahfuz and S.Jeelani, 12th Annual Technical Conference, American Society for Composites, October 6-8, 1997, Dearborn, Michigan.

Nondestructive Evaluation of Composites using the Acoustic Impact Technique., P.K.Raju and U.K.Vaidya, Second Symposium on Cyclic Deformation, Fracture and Nondestructive Evaluation of Advanced Materials, ASTM STP 1184, Ed. M.R.Mitchell and O.Buck, pp. 376-391, Oct. 1994.

Monitoring Processing Stages of Carbon-Carbon (C/C) Composites using Vibration Based Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)., U.K.Vaidya and P.K.Raju, Materials Evaluation, pp. 682-688, June 1994.

Characterization of Defects in Graphite Fiber-based Composites using the Acoustic Impact Technique., P.K.Raju, J. Patel and U.K.Vaidya , ASTM Journal. of Testing & Evaluation, pp.390-405, Sept 1993.

Acousto-Ultrasonics Characterization of Carbon-Carbon Composites at Different Processing Stages, U.K.Vaidya and P.K.Raju, Polymer Composites (In Press).

Tensile and Compression Peformance Relationships of Glass/Epoxy Composites Fabricated through a Rapid Fiber Wetting Resin Infusion Process U.K.Vaidya International Symposium on Vibro-Acoustic Characterization of Materials, ASME International Congress of Mechanical Engineering NCA Vol.2, ASME 1996, pp.151-158.

Recent Graduate Students and Their Research

Kartikeya Fotedar : Dielectric and SMARTweave Sensing in Resin Infusion Processing

Sunil Sodah : Toughening of Carbon/Carbon Composites using Matrix Hybridization Approach
Hisham Mohamed : Microstructure-Process-Property Relationships of Resin Transfer Molded and Resin Infusion Molded Composite Integral Armor

Ricardo Rigby : A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Study of Resin Infusion Molded S2-Glass/ATAK MAT2 Composite Laminates

Mohan Kamath : Damage Tolerance of Innovative Sandwich Composites

Robert Wheeler : Compression Characterization of Stiffened Composites

Abu Abraham : Manufacturing of Thick Low Cost S2-Glass / Vinyl Ester Composites and Integral Armor

Nitesh Jadhav : Evaluation of EPON, Proset, Vinyl Ester and SC-15 Resins and Influence of Stitching in Resin Infusion for Ballistic Applications

Pradeep Kumar : High Strain Rate and Intermediate Velocity Response of Innovative Sandwich Structures

Eric Harrington : Development of SMARTweave Methodology for Resin Flow Monitoring of Resin Infused Composite Preforms

Makarand Kulkarni : Ballistic and High Strain Rate Response of Polycarbonate Backed Glass and Graphite Epoxy Composite Laminates

Girish Basappa : Repair Studies on Thick Composites Subjected to Ballistic and Intermediate Velocity Impact

David Myers : Repair Studies in Thick Section Composites and Integral Armor Subjected to Flexural Fatigue Loading

Sujit Bhide : Optimization of Dielectric and SMARTweave sensing in Integral Armor Applications

Molefi Motuku : Development of Self-Healing Composites (Ph.D – University of Alabama at Birmingham), Co-Advisor

Renee Rodgers : Innovative Sandwich Constructions (Ph.D)

Pele Bhembe : Scale-up Issues in Resin Infusion Molding of Integral Armor

Consulting / Professional Services

Solid Modeling (Pro/E, ANSYS), Design/Development and Manufacturing of Composite Storm/Hurricane Shelters
Manufacturing of Low Cost Thick-Section Composites and Integrated Armor
Design/Development and Manufacturing of Composite Chutes for Carrying Heavy Boxes and Sustaining Impacts
Short Courses/Workshops on :
  • Composites Processing (Hand Lay-Up, Autoclave, Resin Infusion, Resin Transfer Molding and Compression Molding)
  • "Composite Wing-Fabrication" (Teaching School Teachers Hands-On Projects in Composites to Train & Excite Students from High-School Years)

  • Web-Design and Development of Creative Multi-media and/or Still Modules for various aspects of Engineering Education and Information Dissementation

    Professional Memberships & Activities

    American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Actively Involved with Noise Control & Acoustics Division (NCA) Materials Characterization Committee
    American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
    Society for Advancement and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
    Composites Fabricators Association (CFA)
    American Society for Composites (ASC)
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

    I would appreciate your comments, Thanks

    My Favorite Links

    Composites Education Module
    Pro/E User Group
    Manisha's Home Page
    Ameya's Home Page
