Welcome to Andrea's Land!!
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undefined Welcome to Andrea's Land !! From Eaton Rapids, Michigan!!

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Andrea's Land

Andrea, Whitney and Minnie
Andrea, Whitney and a special friend at Disney World!

Updated January 31, l998 UPDATES SOON!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!
You're visitor number since April, l996!

We really do enjoy hearing from you! If you get a chance--sign the guest book!

One link we just played around with tonight is the Sports Illustrated for Kids Site. There are some fun games there, but they require Shockwave to work. You can play the sliding tile game without Shockwave, but to drive the Indy cars and play the Talking Rebus game you REALLY should get the Shockwave plugin. It's free, and lets you use your internet browser just like an arcade game. It's amazing what it will do!! We do seem to have better luck with it with Netscape rather than Internet Explorer.

Andrea's Swim ClubThe Silver Sharks! .

My favorite chat site--Freezone! This chatroom is moderated, and has lots of theme parties. It's a great place to meet other kids on the net (like me!!)

Send a Teeny Beanie Baby Card!! Pick your favorite Teeny Beanie Baby, and send it along with your message. Another place to try for the same sort of thing, is Beanie Hugs. For everything you could want to know about Beanie Babies themselves, check out the Ty site.

Grossology!! The science of GROSS things! You read the book, now check out their pretty amazing--and gross--site!! Lots of GROSS recipes (blood, vomit, etc.), and interesting but disgusting things!

Sony's Wonderland--If you have alot of patience while this page loads, you can enjoy the full audio version of Kenny Loggins singing "House at Pooh Corner", with words to follow along with, karaoke-style. Hint--let the page load, and play one time. It will start and stop the first play through. Then hit "replay", and you'll hear the song without interruption! Cool page!

Sony Playstation!--We had fun playing both Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune here. Once again, be patient while they load, and you have to register, too. But if you like these games, they are worth the wait!

Billy Bear's clip Art Billy Bear has a great selection of clip art, for kids and kids at heart! Alot of fun and cute pictures to use on your web page.

More links and stuff coming soon!!

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