The Corset Kate Ring
Hey! Welcome to the home of The Corset Kate Ring! This ring was created for all Kate fans who have a webpage. Your page doesn't even have to be on Kate. You just have to love her. But no pages with profanity. I will not accept any R rated pages.
Joining this ring is simple. All you have to do is fill out the form by clicking on the below link. Once you've been added to the queue, you will be given a HTML code to place on you page. You just copy and paste it. If you need help with copying and pasting E-mail me. It's as simple as that. To speed uo the process of being added to the ring, e-mail me after you've put the proper HTML code on your page.
Here is a NON-WORKING example of what the code will look like.
To edit your site info Go here!.
To see a list of the sites in the ring Go here!
Have fun!!!!
Email: corsetkatering@hotmail.com