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This is What I have to Say

Back to Boston D.I.Y.

5-4-99 Hi there. Today I found out I have to have surgery. Again! Ear Surgery fun stuff. Don't listen to music too loud. It will catch up with you.

I was at the Dropkick Murphy's show the other day in Roxbury. Good time. I haven't seen them since the Oi/Skampliation show at the middle east a while back. Any ways I think the Tobin Community Center is a perfect place for shows. This is the first show there that I know of. Anyways I was impressed that all seem to go well. No fights so to speak of. But I saw two skinheads smoking cigarettes inside. They were hiding on the floor in a crowd to hide it. I hate cigarette smoke. There were no smoking signs everywhere. So I couldn't believe these two kids couldn't go outside for 2 seconds and smoke. After they were done they stamp the cigarettes out on the floor. This is the small stupid petty shit that needs to stop. If this continues at other shows there the coordinators will not be able to have shows, at ANOTHER DIY venue. It's ridiculous that they didn't go outside. I am just as much at fault that I didn't speak up. But have some consideration for others. That shit's stupid. HEY GUYS SMARTEN UP! Keep it real -cyco

P.S. All the fat kids need to stop jumping off the stage, on my head. I punch you in the nuts if you do it again. same with the naked kids.

4-2-99 Well, finally I think I should write something. For months this page has been blank. With constantly working and going to school it's hard to find time to do anything.

Well what should I talk about there are tons of things on my mind. Where should I start...

Drugs... let's start with drugs. I have made up my mind that mind altering drugs are absolutely the worst thing you can do to yourself(except suicide). I have dabble in drugs such as marijuana and mushrooms. I never really feared natural occuring chemicals. Many early native americans used these things in everyday life and in rituals. I was curious. The feelings at times were good at others not so good. With one experience with laced marijuana, I was tweaked. I hated it! I could not even see straight. My mind was on a roller coaster and I was someplace else. I was completely frightened that I would remain in that state of mind forever. The experience could never be explained in words. It was just the scarest thing ever. Not like someone was chasing me or monsters jumping around like they show in movies. This was something completely different. The physical sensation is best described, picture being on the turkist twist and staring into a strobe light, and then feel your heart pump erratically, as your body gets ice cold to burning hot. I was paranoid, depressed, paniced, and shaking. I couldn't hear people talking until a minute or so after they were said. When I would respond to them I couldn't hear my own voice. A second or two later I'd hear my voice echo in the walls of my mind. My life was flashing before eyes, I thought I was going to die...

...About 48 hours after experiencing this I started to feel like myself a bit more. I never knew the weed was laced. If I did I would never have taken it. So I have learned my lesson the hard way. But I still can't believe how people can have this similar reaction as I did and want to trip out the next day. I had a few friends that have become obsessed with drugs, Estacy, Acid, Mushrooms, whatever they will do it. I know that some trips can seem like a wonderful vacation from the hectic work day or a way to heighten sexual urges, but the fact is you lose contact with the reality your in now. As you read this think about yourself, after you take a mind altering drug, the way you feel now will only be a nice memory. If you are looking for something to do because your bored please don't turn to drugs. Weed is really no big deal but the heavy shit is alot heavier. More than you'll think. If that sounds awesome do whatever you want. I am just trying to warn you. I am not preaching straight edge or drug free or anything. I am stating my experiences, and sharing what I have seen of people become from drugs. If you're bored start a band or a zine. Your mind can be your Best friend or your worst enemy. treat it right.

Thanks for reading more to come. Please give me feedback on the guestbook or an email.
