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Moon Phases and Magick

Moon Phases and Magick

The phase of the moon effects many aspects of our life. Magick is no exception. Most witches use the standard phases (full, new, waxing, waning, dark); however, these can be expanded for more advanced students, including new moon, cresent, first quarter, gibbous, full, disseminating, last quarter, dark moon, and moon void of course.

In general, the moon phase is symbolic of what magick should be done. For example, if you were beginning a project, you would start at the beginning of the moon cycle, known as the new moon. The moon "grows" from new to full, to dark. Therefore, your project will "grow" with the moon. It's actually quite logical. Generally, new moon to full moon is for beginning things, full moon is the peak of magickal power, and full moon to dark moon is used for banishings and ridding thins out of your life. The descriptions that follow are MUCH more in depth than the very brief description I just gave you. However, the first descirption is perfectally acceptable for the beginner or in making quick desicions about when workings should be performed.

Some (not all) of this information was taken from Silver Ravenwolf's book To Stir a Magick Cauldron. I really suggest purchasing this book if you are truly dedicated to the study of the Craft. This book has been probably one of the best I've read for the intermediate to advanced Witch.

Brightest Blessings, Cyranna )O(

New Moon Magick

Sun and moon energies are combined in this phase to give strength to new projects. Therefore, now is a good time to begin things. It is also a time to give thanks for workings (both long term and short term)that have been successful. Workings done at the full and waning moons have most likely taken grip by now. Offerings of milk and honey, or water laced with fertilise for the plants outside (during the growing seasons), is appropriate. If in season of sleep, then set out food for the wild animals and faerie folk. Goddesses associated with the new moon are Diana, Astarte, Artemis, and (from my tradition) Ana.

Timing:The moon rises at dawn and sets at sunset. For the best use of this energy, magick should be performed between dawn and sunset. Working at night is perfectly acceptable as well, but to get maximum punch, choose the correct timing. Also check the planetary hours [coming soon!] for added power in your workings. This is a wonderful ime for workings where the Goddess and God are equal. Rituals focusing on the God are quite acceptable to perform in this phase.

Conjuring: New moon workings may be performed from the day of the New moon to about three to three and a half days after the New moon.The closer you are to the new moon, the better chance of success.

Your working should take manifest by the full moon or in one moon cycle (new moon to new moon.) If you are not successful the first time out, repeat the working. As the old saying goes, "if at first you do not succeed, try, try again."

Things to work for include:

Crescent Moon Magick

The crescent faces West, home of the Calliech and the gates of death and rebirth. The crescent is the symbol of the Goddess, a ladle of love, manifestation, and abundance. It is the Holy cup of Her hand, containing the mysteries to be showered upon Her children. In the mundane world, you should be gathering information and ideas. Use small rituals and workings to help your mundane work move along smoothly. Goddesses such as Aphroditie, Themis, the Calliech, or Tiamat will help you.

Timing: The crescent moon rises at mid morning and sets just after sunset The highest time of power would be at midpoint. Check an almanac for the exact timing.

Conjuring: The Crescent moon phase lasts from three and a half days to the seventh day after the New moon. This is surely a time of the Goddess and Her female archetypes, as the crescent energy has high energy.

Things to work for:

First Quarter (Waxing) Moon

This is a time of building up. Most Witches see this time as a time of building up. If you see aspects of your life lagging behind, put forth a little effort and you'll get caught up. Silver Ravenwolf says for this time: "If extra magickal guns may be needed, now is the time to use them."

Timing: The moon rises at noon and sets at midnight. Do your waxing moon magick at sunset for maximum punch. Dusk is auspicious for faeries and their energies. Altar devotions and offerings for the faerie folk in return for a favor work especially well during this moon phase. This is also another good time to work with the triple Goddess aspects.

Conjuring: Moon is from seven to ten days after the new moon.

Things to work for:

Gibbous Moon Magick

This is a time to make any necessary changes. If a working appears to have stalled, don't panic. Often a gestation period is needed where no chande is immediatly visible. You may wish to relax a bit and begin planning any working you choose to do with Full Moon energy.

Timing: The moon rises at mid-afternoon and sets at about three am. Workings should be performed at 10 or 11 at night. Goddesse of the night such as Nuit or Star Goddesses, do well in this phase.

Conjuring: The moon is ten and a half to fourteen days after the new moon.

Work for

Full Moon Magick

The Full Moon is a time of all-purpose magick. Prophecy and protection are very good things to work for here. Totems like the raven are called to bestow their gifts of divination. Divining now is especially effective, as our psychic powers are heightened at this time. Goddesses such as Arianrhod, Danu, Isis, Ashera and Selene are called as well as the Sisters of the Wyrrd, the Norns, and other Goddesses and Gods of fate. The Full Moon is also the time of legends -- reading them, studying them, or even making your own -- your creativity will be very active now. Power of course, is generated, regeneratd and used by the working Witch. Any working that needs a major punch can be done now. Your chances of success is very great.

Timing: The moon rises at sunset and sets at dawn therefore a midnight working will be most powerful.

Conjuring: The moon is fourteen to seventeen and a half days after the new moon. As I said before, the Full Moon is good for almost any workings, but certain things will be especially good work for:

These Include:

Disseminating Moon Magick

Banishing work starts now. If you wish to get rid of anything, such as bad habits, illnesses, or nevativity, now is the time to banish them. This is the time of the Goddesses Bast, Kore, Ceres, Demeter, or other Earth Mothers.

Timing: The moon rises at mid evening and sets at mid-morning. The Time of Souls (3am) would be at midpoint here.

Conjuring:The moon is three and a half to seven days after the Full Moon.

Things to work for

Last Quarter Moon

Relaease of negativity around us, continued banishing work.

Timing:The moon rises at midnight and sets at noon.

ConjuringThe moon is seven to ten and a half days after the Full Moon.

Work invloves:

Everything that we had during the last phase

Dark Moon

Cursing (if necessary,) chaos, bringing justice. Goddesses here are Kali, the Morrigan, the Calliech, Lilith, and Hecate. Dealing with attackers is best begun during this phase.

Timing: The moon rises at 3 am and seta at mid-afternoon. Despite the oddity, 10 am is the strongest time.

Conjuring:Moon is 10 and a half to 14 days after the full moon.

Work for

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