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undefined Black Hole parameters (version 006)
PARAMETER SI UNIT INPUT VALUE Approximation Instructions
Mass: M
kilograms 1.988 * 10^30 kg Enter a new value into one of the fields and press the "submit" button next to it. Input values are expressed in the form of objects representing SI physical quantities: [number, dimensions], where the number may be any JavaScript expression which evaluates to a number, and the dimensions are the list of exponents of SI base units in the standard MKS order:
[meters, kilograms, seconds, amperes, kelvins]
All other fields will be updated and displayed in this format after submission. If just a pure number is entered, it will by default be interpreted as (and converted to) the SI physical quantity for that field.

Alternatively, an input value may be given in the form of units(number), if the designated unit of measure is currently supported. Always use the pluralized, lowercase, and space-free form of the unit name (e.g. meters(1), inches(39), feet(17.7), years(5000000), earthmasses(20), squaremiles(0.0015625), ...).

CAUTION: The end results are not expected to be sensible if the physical dimensions of the inputs do not conform to what they should be (such as submitting a quantity of length in the field intended for mass).

The values in the "Approximation" column are formatted in such a way that they can be copied and directly pasted into Google (Google calculator) or WolframAlpha for further use.

The expressions given for "maximal spin" (angular momentum J>0, Kerr metric) and "maximal charge" (electric charge Q>0, Reissner-Nordstrom metric) assume that for a specific mass (M), one is maximal and the other is zero. All other expressions assume a non-rotating zero-charge black hole (J=0 and Q=0, Schwarzschild metric).

Radius: r = 2 G M
/ c^2
meters 2.953 * 10^3 m
Surface area: A = 16 π G^2 M^2
/ c^4
m^2 1.096 * 10^8 m^2
Volume: V = 32 π G^3 M^3
/ 3 c^6
m^3 1.079 * 10^11 m^3
Density: ρ = 3 c^6
/ 32 π G^3 M^2
kg/m^3 1.843 * 10^19 kg/m^3
Surface gravity: ag = c^4
/ 4 G M
m/s^2 1.522 * 10^13 m/s^2
Surface tides: Td = c^6
/ 4 G^2 M^2
(m/s^2)/m 1.030 * 10^10 (m/s^2)/m
Temperature: T = ℏ c^3
/ 8 π k G M
kelvins 6.170 * 10^-8 K
Entropy: S = 4 π k G M^2
/ ℏ c
joules/kelvin 1.448 * 10^54 J/K
Luminosity: L = ℏ c^6
/ 15360 π G^2 M^2
watts 9.008 * 10^-29 W
Lifetime: t = 5120 π G^2 M^3
/ ℏ c^4
seconds 6.613 * 10^74 s
Maximal spin: J = G M^2
/ c
m^2·kg/s 8.802 * 10^41 m^2*kg/s
Maximal charge: Q = ( 4 π ε0 G ) M
coulombs 1.714 * 10^20 C