Fangoria's Tony Timpone introduces the RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP panel: Felissa Rose, Robert Hiltzik, Paul DeAngelo, Jeff Hayes
Felissa talks about making movies, Robert answers questions with, "Maybe," "We'll see," and "anything is possible"...while Paul and Jeff keep quiet fearing the consequences of Robert's Revenge if they say anything except "Maybe," "we'll see," or "anything is possible." Ha Ha Ha.
Every seat is filled in the place as the group launches the world's first look at: RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP!
Signing time!! Let's see all that cool SC memorabilia!
...posters, dvds...
...videos, photos...
Jeff, Robert, and Paul after the show... Oh yeah, and let's not forget that Felissa brought a special guest on stage at the end of the panel... can anyone say "Headcheese!!?" Yep, it's Ed Neale- The original HITCH-HIKER from THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE!
Speaking of RETURNs to CAMP... The Women of FRIDAY THE 13th took the stage shortly after the RTSC panel. Featuring Betsy Palmer (Mrs. Voorhees from the original FRIDAY THE 13TH and PART 2), Adrienne King (ALICE from the original and PART 2), Lar Park Lincoln (TINA from PART 7), and Amy Stelle (GINNY from PART 2). While at the show, Jeff gets a pic with the Legendary MRS VOORHEES!
Camp Superfan Nick takes a snap with Camp AllStars Adrienne King and Amy Steele... But look at that T-SHIRT... That doesn't say Camp Crystal says: CAMP ARAWAK!!!
Special Thanks To: Tony Timpone and Mike Gingold at Fangoria, Chiller Theatre, Nick, and all the SLEEPAWAY fans who came to camp with us!
Photography by: Cheryl, Jeff Hayes, and Nick