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Click on the link below to choose the category of Hug you wish to view.

Each Hug now has an email link at the bottom to make it easier for you to send it!

NOTE TO MSNTV2 USERS: My Hugs ARE musical, but until MSNTV gives you a midi program you will not be able to hear the music.

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Love Fun
Holiday Occasions
Inspirational Misc.
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To read what Net4TV said about
LadyLynn's Hugs,

Visit Net4TV

for my page of links and credits.

Click below for my 9/11 Tribute Pages


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when linking to my site.

All poems and prose on these pages, except where noted, are the original works of LadyLynn and are not to be reproduced in any way without my permission.

Copyright© 1999 thru 2006 by "Lady" Lynn Durocher

Webset made exclusively for LadyLynn's Hugs by BB Butterflies.

It is NOT public domain and may not be taken and used anywhere else.