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MS-DOS External Commands

The COMMAND Command


Starts a new copy of the MS-DOS Command Interpreter.

Command Syntax:

COMMAND [[drive:]path] [device] [/E:nnnnn] [/P] [/[C|K] command] [/MSG]

Explanation of Syntax:

[[drive:]path] specifies the directory containing COMMAND.COM file.
[device] specifies the device to use for command input and output.
[/E:nnnnn] sets the initial environment size to nnnnn bytes.
[/P] makes the new Command Interpreter permanent (can't exit).
[/C command] executes the specified command and returns.
[/K command] executes the specified command and continues running.
[/MSG] stores all error messages in memory (requires /P as well).

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.