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MS-DOS External Commands

The DEFRAG Command


Reorganizes files on disks to optimize performance. (Microsoft Defrag for MS-DOS Copyright 1988-1993 Symantec Corporation.)

Command Syntax:

DEFRAG [drive:] [/F] [/Sorder] [/B] [/SKIPHIGH] [/LCD | /BW | /G0]
DEFRAG [drive:] [/U] [/B] [/SKIPHIGH] [/LCD | /BW | /G0]

Explanation of Syntax:

[drive:] drive letter of disk to be optimized.
[/F] fully optimizes specified disk.
[/U] unfragments files, leaving space between files.
[/S] sort files by specified order.
order N by Name(alphabetic), E by extension(alphabetic), D by Date & time(earliest first), S by size(smallest first), - Suffix to reverse order
[/B] restarts your computer after optimization.
[/SKIPHIGH] loads Defrag into conventional memory.
[/LCD] runs Defrag using an LCD color scheme.
[/BW] runs Defrag using a black and white color scheme.
[/G0] disable the graphic mouse and graphic character set.
[/H] moves hidden files.

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.