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MS-DOS External Commands

The INTERSVR Command


Provides serial or parallel file transfer and printing capabilities via redirected drives.

Command Syntax:

intersvr [drive:[...]] [/X=drive:[...]] [/LPT[:][n | address]] [/COM[:][n | address]] [/baud:rate] [/b]

Explanation of Syntax:

[drive:[...]] specifies the drive(s) to redirect (by default, all drives are redirected).
[/X=drive:[...]] specifies the drive(s) to exclude.
[/LPT[n]] specifies a parallel port to scan. (/LPT scans all LPT ports).
[/LPT[address]] specifies a parallel port address to scan.
[/COM[n]] specifies a serial port to scan. (/COM scans all COM ports).
[/COM[address]] specifies a port address to scan.
[/BAUD:rate] set a maximum serial baud rate.
[/B] displays the Interlnk server screen in black and white.
[/V] prevents conflicts with a computer's timer. Specify this switch if you have a serial connection between computers and one of them stops running when you use Interlnk.


Copies Interlnk files from one computer to another, provided that the computer's serial ports are connected with a 7-wire null-modem cable.

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.