MS-DOS External Commands
The MSBACKUP Command
Backs up or restores one or more files.(Microsoft Backup Copyright 1993 by Symantec Corporation.)
Command Syntax:
MSBACKUP [setup_file] [/BW | /LCD | /MDA]
Explanation of Syntax.
[setup_file] specifies the setup file that defines files to back up and the type of backup.
[/BW] starts MSBACKUP using a black and white color scheme.
[/LCD] starts MSBACKUP using a video mode compatible with LCD displays.
[/MDA]starts MSBACKUP using a monochrome display adapter.
Note: MSBACKUP program files must be located on your hard disk. You cannot start MSBACKUP from a floppy disk.
Command Use:
This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.