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MS-DOS External Commands

The UNDELETE Command


Restores files previously deleted with the DEL command. (UNDELETE - A delete protection facility Copyright (C) 1987-1993 Central Point Software, Inc. All rights reserved.)

Command Syntax:

UNDELETE [[drive:][path]filename] [/DT | /DS | /DOS]

Explanation of Syntax:

[/LIST] lists the deleted files available to be recovered.
[/ALL] recovers files without prompting for confirmation.
[/DOS] recovers files listed as deleted by MS-DOS.
[/DT] recovers files protected by Delete Tracker.
[/DS] recovers files protected by Delete Sentry.
[/LOAD] loads Undelete into memory for delete protection.
[/UNLOAD] unloads Undelete from memory.
[/PURGE[drive]] purges all files in the Delete Sentry directory.
[/STATUS] display the protection method in effect for each drive.
[/S[drive]] enables Delete Sentry method of protection.
[/T[drive][-entrys]] enables Delete Tracking method of protection.

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.