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MS-DOS External Commands

The VSAFE Command


Monitors your computer for viruses and displays a warning when it finds one.

Command Syntax:

VSAFE [/option[+ | -] ...] [/NE] [/NX] [/Ax | /Cx] [/N] [/D] [/U]

Explanation of Syntax:

1 - HD low level format warning
2 - Resident warning
3 - General write protect
4 - Check infected files
5 - Boot sector infection warning
6 - Protect hard disk BOOT area
7 - Protect floppy disk BOOT area
8 - Write Protect executable files

[/NE] prevents VSafe from loading in expanded memory.
[/NX] prevents VSafe from loading in extended memory.
[/Ax] defines the VSafe hotkey to be Alt plus the key defined by x.
[/Cx] defines the VSafe hotkey to be Ctrl plus the key defined by x.
[/N] allows VSafe to monitor network drives for possible viruses.
[/D] disables checksum creation.
[/U] unloads VSafe from memory.

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.